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Kim Seokjin's secret note
4th page, year 20XX

I can still remember the way the rain falls from the sky, giving a million ripples on the water on the ground, the noise of it's drop, and the sound of the air, loudly whipping along with the heavy rain that night; giving us a cold touch as it hits our skin.

I'm sorry

Was the words next came out of my mouth. You looked at me still confused and it seems that you can't imply directly what I'm trying to say.

What are you sorry for Seokjin-ah? Is there something wrong?

There is wrong, everything is wrong, my feeling for you grew in the wrong time. But I can't-- I don't want to tell you that I am leaving but I need to. Back then, way before I met you, I had a frozen heart. It froze from all the people around me, even to my mom and especially to my dad.

But when I met you and I've started to know the real you, It melted; you did it. And now, I thought a frozen heart isn't good but a soft heart is worst. Now, It's hard for me to say goodbye.

There, that night I thought I only broke a piece of your heart; a piece for friendship, But I never thought I broke your heart. I broke you. I remember that night, 6 months from the first day I met you, you were standing in front of me unsheltered under the heavy rain, and those eyes looking at me like it's pleading me to stay.

Seokjin... oppa.

That's when my heart shattered into thin pieces. You never called me that. you always call me either by my name or some lame names such as joker or your favorite animal alpaca because you always said that I look like one. But on that night, you called me that with your voice so fragile and cracking. It's like you're about to burst in tears in any minute.

I was standing five feet apart from you, I remember; Sheltered under my umbrella looking at you. We stayed the for a while until the next I did was not expected. The first time we kissed and the last time that I will purse my lips into your soft thin rosy ones. But what shocked me is you kissed back.

Have you felt the same way?

After then, I bid a goodbye to you with a farewell wait for me, okay? And I kissed your forehead. I felt you nod under my kiss and you whispered I Will. As my car drove away from you, I can still see you standing there looking at me driving away from your sight. I cried so hard that it hurts when your small figure was nowhere in sight, I never cried in my entire life and it makes me feel so mad at myself on how I let you melt my heart, How I let you take an impact in me and How I let myself fall for you. And till then, I haven't seen your face.

I haven't seen your face for over a month now but we keep on texting and calling each other. You, talking about how's your school and how is it so new to you that I'm not there with you. Also, me I did tell you everything, my home schooling, my everyday routine and my part time job since I don't want to accept any of my dad's money.

You know my life as I have known yours and you know how distant I am with my dad, although you are worried of me going to work late at night still, you understood  why I'm doing it. After our calls we always exchanged a lot of I miss you's And it always make my heart flutters every time I hear your soft voice together with those words. But, do you miss me as much as I have missed you alot?.

I kept on my daily routine, classes in the morning, and work at night, calling and texting you if I have time and doing it again a day after. A month after, and our communication starts to fade. We still communicate but not as often as before, and our calls only happened once in two weeks. And I felt something is wrong already.

I know it's my fault too, Because I often didn't answer your calls due to my work and once I'm at home I always drifted to sleep ahead of time and I always ended up forgetting the time to communicate with you. And to that, I think I am losing you. But, I didn't gave up because I'm holding on to the words I have told you and to the respond you gave me.

You will wait for me

I keep saying it to myself every single day.

You will wait you for me

5 months since our last communication over text.

You will wait for me

I miss you too. That last text I've sent you that you left on read.

You will wait for me

Why have you left me on read?

You will wait for me

It's been 4 years now and I've finished my college degree.

Are you still waiting for me?

I asked to myself as I took a deep breath, and I gripped the handle of my bag tightly while I'm walking out of my hometown's airport. After all these years, I'm back; back for you.

I was greeted by no one and it felt fine with me, since I didn't inform anyone anyways. I went back to the small City where I grew up, where I met you as fast as I could yearning to see you again. But again, for the hundred times that every time I yearn for you, I didn't see you. Not that I didn't but because you were not there anymore. And the only thing was left is a letter that is inside the mail box of our old house.

It was a letter you wrote years ago. a Letter from you to me. It took me 10 minutes to open it since I just looked at your handwriting at the white envelope cover first.

The scent still lingers through my nose, The faded cherry scent. Your scent. My heart beats faster as I started to read your letter for me, But as I finished you two paged letter. My heart shattered and as it shattered, the pieces froze. I need to see you.

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