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"She wants to go where ?" Jimin asked.

"To Daddy and Daughter day at her dance class. "I say sighing as sit down at my office chair.

" I'll go with her if she wants me too. But why don't you wanna go again." He asked.

I looked at him like he was crazy." You really think I wanna be the only mother in a room full of fathers?"

"Who says your gonna be the only mother?"

I lean back in my chair." I was thinking that. But still. It's gonna break my heart knowing that I didn't even give her father a chance. I just left."

"Okay but you had to do what was right for you and your child." He replies.

"I know. But I just can't help feeling a tad bit selfish."

"Look I'll take her if she wants. But you need to suck it up." He says leaving your office.

"DAYCI!" Mrs.Park calls.

I quickly stand up from my desk , smoothing my skirt out and head to her office which was across from mine.

" Did you schedule an appointment with Assistant CEO Min , from HitBig Ent?

"Yes it's at 3 today. But he said he might run late. He has something to take care of." I reply.

" If he's late more than an hour reschedule. Okay."

I nod. " Alright. Please have the rest of the paperwork on my desk by the end of the day."

"Will do." I say as I back my way out of her office.


"Yoora's sick. Can you please watch her until I get out of this meeting?" I ask.

"Of course. Just drop her off." Hoseok replies.

"Thank you bro I owe you one. Sorry this is so last minute , the daycare she goes to doesn't allow the kids to come sick to keep everyone else from being sick."

"Don't worry about it bro! See you soon."

Hoseok hangs up. I get Yoora's bag packed with extra clothing , her medicine and iPad. I look down at her as she sleeps peacefully in my bed. I hated when she was sick , all the energy gets sucked out of her and I just don't recognize my baby.

I throw her bookbag around my arm and scoop her up in my arm. I walk down to my chauffeur.

"Hello Mr.Min, I see the Princess is sleeping." He says.

"Hello Harold. Yea she's not feeling well. So I'm going to drop her off at Hoseok's. I have a meeting at three." I reply as I lay her down next to me in the back seat.

Harold nods. He fixes the rear mirror and pulls off.

I check the time on my phone. Two thirty. I sigh and rub my hand up and down Yoora's back.

Every Step// Min Yoongi x AmBw (HIATUS)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat