The Meeting

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It's been forever since I met another witch. Most of the ones I met briefly from my old coven were power hungry. I never told them about all my powers. No one besides my family knows that I have more than one primary element. No ones ever known that I'm a hybrid. Mom says it's to dangerous to tell others. I believe her; Those witches from back home knew I was powerful they could feel the power radiating off of me, even without knowing the full extent of my power. That's one of the reasons I never really liked them. They used me for my power. I hope this coven is different.

As I get out of bed I head to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. I put on a chunky pink sweater and my black jeans then head down stairs.

Mom's making breakfast already "Hey honey, breakfast is almost done. We're having pancakes and bacon."

"Thanks mom it smells wonderful" I sneak over and grab a piece of bacon "It tastes even better." I laugh as she bats me away from the food.

"You're not allowed to eat till it's all done." She says with a laugh knowing I'll try stealing bites until it's all done. "Are you excited about the meeting tonight?" She glances back at me, where I'm now sitting at the kitchen island.

"Yea... I guess" I say as she takes the last pancake out of the pan and turns around to look at me with a sad smile "I know what you're thinking. I know I have to hide some of my powers. I just wish... I don't know... Maybe I just want to be normal for once."

She walks over to me wrapping me up in a hug "I know Honey. It'll get better I promise. We just want to stay on the safe side. I don't want you to get hurt." She says looking me in the eyes now.

That's her excuse for making me hide my powers "Mom you know for a fact I can handle myself." I tell her with a frustrated sigh.

She's glaring at me now "No! You don't know. You have no idea what could happen if the wrong people found out about your powers."

"No I don't because you won't tell me." I snap back at her.

She sighs, we've had this conversation before and every time I can see it wearing on her, but it's my life. I deserve to know what's going on. "Alright, I was going to wait until your  eighteenth birthday, but you feel you're ready. The leader of the coven is a good friend of mine, after the meeting's over she will talk to you. Maybe she'll be able to explain somethings." She says her head down trailing off like she's talking to herself now.

"What do you mean explain somethings?" I ask getting a little worried now.

"Just wait for her to explain everything." She turns to plate the food clearly not wanting to talk about this anymore. "Have you picked which power you're going to tell the coven you have?"

"Yeah, air. It's the strongest of the three and the rune's the hardest to hide." Runes are marks witches receive on their sixteenth birthday. They look like tattoos that relate to their primary element. My air rune is on my right wrist. It's a triangle with a line through it which is the magic symbol for air and a wing is behind it. I also have a water and earth rune. The earth one is on the back of my left shoulder it's a tree growing with a circle surrounding it, it represents the circle of life. My water rune is on my ribs it's a raging ocean being contained inside of a circle.

"Alright Honey." I can tell she's upset with herself for getting mad at me.

Feeling bad for also snapping at her I walk over and give her a hug "I know you just want the best for me Mom. I love you." I tell her before giving her one last squeeze "I'll go tell the boys it's time for breakfast."


The day goes by fast. I finished putting my room together and it's looks somewhat decent. Better than it probably will ever look again. I not good with cleaning. I feel like I can't find anything if it's all put away. It's just about time for me to leave for the meeting, so I head down stairs.

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