Chapter four - Expelled

ابدأ من البداية

“It’s just your first fight Cas, you’ll both get over it and be back together in no time.” His voice breaks while he is saying this and even though I don’t know why, I am thankful for his words. He could have bitched and moaned about Ruby but instead he say that we would get back together and this whole argument would be forgotten. I hope so.

-Three weeks later-

I was walking down the school corridors holding hands with Ruby while all the jocks were eyeing me up. I had made a huge mistake when I broke up with her which ended up in my sucking half of the jocks off in the locker rooms. I hadn’t told anyone about it, especially not Dean. I knew he was bisexual but I didn’t want him to think any differently of me and call me a man-whore or something along those lines. I tried to avoid them as much as possible but when I did walk past them I kept my head held high and attached on to the one shred of dignity I had left; my bad boy image. I acted like I didn’t care about anything or anyone and it worked. None of them said anything to me because the last time someone did about me being gay, I broke his nose with my forehead. I head-butted him right in the face and so now I was the school psychopath that head-butts people for calling him names. I didn’t mind though, as long as they kept out of my way I would keep out of theirs.

“I’m so happy we are back together again Cas.” Ruby says to me happily and I nod at her absentmindedly while checking out a cheerleader’s ass. “Cas, are you seriously checking someone out right now.”

“Hm.” I mumble, taking my eyes off the girl for long enough to look and Ruby and shrug.

 “What the hell?”

“You can’t really talk.” I snap at her before letting go of her hand and stalking off down the hall towards lesson. I was meant to be going round to her house today to get a new tattoo from her sister but I supposed I wasn’t doing that anymore so I just asked Meg to come round to mine instead.


“Thanks for coming Meg, I couldn’t face Ruby today.” I sigh as I let her into my room. Most of my family were out in town or still at school so we more or less had a free house.

“No problem, my half-sister can be a bitch sometimes.” Meg shrugged and grinned at me.

“Half-sister?” I ask and she nods casually.

“Yeah, same daddy but my mum died when I was born.” She tells me and I nod my head sympathetically at her.

“Sorry for your loss.”

“It’s alright, I didn’t know her and I was only a baby so I didn’t know what was going on anyway. Sometimes I think that dad blames me for her death though…” She looks down at her tattooing gun sadly while putting ink in it. “So, how you gonna pay me?”

“I still have some birthday savings-“I start but she laughs and shakes her head at me before getting up off the floor and coming over to me. She puts her hand on my bicep and grins wickedly before leaning in and attaching her lips on mine. I gasp at her forwardness but she opened her mouth to let me gain entrance and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t go in…. eagerly. My hands travel down her waist, towards her ass where I squeeze each cheek with the palms of my hand. Her body comes in closer to mine so almost every aspect of us is touching one another in anyway.

“Cas, you got some minutes on your phone I can b-?” The door swings open and Dean saunters in but then stops dead in his tracks. “Dude, that’s not Ruby.” He whispers to me comically and I laugh loudly before introducing them both.

“Erm, Dean this is Meg, Meg, Dean.” I point the one then the other and Meg gives him a shy wave before blushing furiously.

“Meg? Ain’t you the bitch’s sister?” He asks and I face palm at his bluntness.

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