Chapter 30: Soulmates

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Diana has gathered the Superhero girls to the hideout and they talk about one thing.

Diana: "You're all wondering why you're all here?"

Barbi: "What is it?"

Diana: "We all have a crush on (Y/N)."

All the girls in the room blushed and sit in silence.

Babs: "Okay I admit it, I love him!"

Zee: "Me too."

Kara: "I do love him, even though I used to babysit him a long time ago!"

Karen: "I also have a crush on him too."

Jessica: "He's is a nice guy and I love him!"

Barbi: "Okay I have to admit, he is a charming fellow."

Diana: "I too love him as well, ever since we first met when we were children."

Jessica: "What are you saying?"

Diana: "We must make a pact to share him and we confess our feelings to him."

Zee: "Maybe we can confess our feelings for him at a sleepover."

Barbi: "Sleepover at my house then, I can setup the whole thing for sleepover fun!"

Jessica: "I can call (Y/N) and invite him for a sleepover."

Jessica then call your phone and you answer it.

(Y/N): "Hey Jessica."

Jessica: "(Y/N), guess what?"

(Y/N): "What?"

Jessica: "Barbi is inviting us to a sleepover and you're invited."

(Y/N): "Sweet ya there."

Jessica: "Bye."

Jessica then hang up the phone.

Jessica: "(Y/N) is going to the sleepover!"

All: "Yeah!"

Later, you are walking to Barbi's house and you stumble upon the girls from last night.

Leslie: "Hey (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm heading to a friend's house for a sleepover, wanna come?"

The girls blushed a bit.

Doris: "Uh yeah sure dude."

Leslie: "Eh what the heck, I'm in."

Pam: "I'm coming too."

Carol: "Me too!"

Selina: "Alrighty then I'm coming too."

Harleen: "I'm coming along too, and I hope they have snacks!"

Meanwhile at Barbi's house, Diana is practicing how to confess her feelings to a male mannequin.

Jessica: "Okay, just like we practice, go."

Diana then turn to the mannequin and blushed.

Diana: "(Y/N) I'm, I'm in like with you!"

Kara: "In like really?"

Diana: "I panicked."

Kara: "Okay focus Diana, think about what you want to say and say it."

Diana: "You're right, I passed the 21 tests of Athena and Aphrodite, and I can handle this!"

Diana then turn to the mannequin.

Diana: "(Y/N) oh great and powerful being from the cosmos, when I first met you, I began to develop feelings for you and overtime my love burns brighter than Helios himself, we are destined to be together, what I'm trying to say is, I love you!"

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