Fusions with the reader

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>Amazoian training

>Martial Arts

>Enhanced strength

>Technological knowledge

>Can tell a person lying based on hearing their heart rate

Personality: calm, collective, strategic, smart, and well aware of the environment


>Doubles the Solar Energy intake

>Atomic Rewriting

>11th to 13th dimensional powers

Personality: funny, cocky, calculative, often make people wear out their abilities


>Stealth: invisible to all forms of sight and senses to all beings

>Can telekinetically launch batarangs

>A massive downgrade in stats

>Can come up game winning plans with little to no preparation

*Example: with only one batarang can stop 40 robberies in 2 minutes

Personality: funny, serious, good at plans, feels lucky, well focused, honest


>Telepathically summon bees and enhance their strength to harm Kryptonians

>Can actually grow

>Can shrink to the size of an atom

Personality: Confident, a great role model, sometimes have a handle on their ego, cocky, makes fun of their opponents


>New forms of magic: Alchemy, Summoning, materialize weapons from nowhere

>Summons(People being taken from their current place in reality):

*The Diamonds

*Allura Zor-El

*Lord Beerus

*DC Supervillian girls


>Reality Warper beyond the extent of 5th dimensional imps and Dr. Manhattan

Personality: Sadistic, funny, arrogant, cocky, likes to toy their enemies before the ending the fight, a good singer, has a big ego, never underestimated their opponents


>Gain access to the Phantom Ring(the power exists as long the fusion exist)








Personality: Wise, passive, zen, and only attack on selfdefense

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