Chapter 21: Blast from the Past

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The Superhero girls are looking around for the people who place paintings all across the city. Jessica then made binoculars to look from a afar at the Daily Planet. The girls are completely angry.

Jessica: "Just like the others. We've got a tagging crew on our hands."

Karen: "That's six so far. They're spread all across the whole city."

Zee: "And now they've defaced Metropolis' most iconic landmark."

Diana: "Vile fiends. We Amazons recognize when a rival clan intends to invade."

Kara: "Yeah! Creeping in on our turf?"

Babs then take Jessica's binoculars.

Babs: "Not on our watch. Unless my bat-sleuthing skills deceive me, these tags seem to be appearing at specific times in specific places. If I can just triangulate these coordinates, we'd be able to predict where the crew is gonna strike."

Karen then show the exact spot for the next tag.

Karen: "Metropolis Shipyards."

Babs: "Touche, Bumblebee. Touche."

Karen: "Which is in..."

Karen then scream and gulp from the sight of the location. Later, at the location.

Kara: "Sinister Slum."

Jessica: "It's seedy."

Zee: "It's filthy."

Karen: "It's scary."

Karen then got scared from a rat as Babs feel right at home.

Babs: "It's just like back home..."

Karen then got out her phone as Babs bump into her.

Karen: "We're here. And if my calculations are correct, the new tag should show up any second. Right in... here!"

The girls then burst into the building and it was dark.

Babs: "Uh... anybody see a light switch?"

Then a shadow move around them.

Karen: "What was that?"

Then they see 5 people in the room and its too dark to see them.

Kara: "Ooh, I'm so scared. Seriously, you guys, these punks are no match for--"

Then something launched Kara into some boxes as everyone gasped.

Kara: "I'm okay, I'm okay..."

Diana: "Prepare yourselves, sisters, for these are no petty criminals. To battle!"

Then they all fight each other for awhile until Jessica use a lasso to catch all of them.

Diana: "Ah, the lasso. A wise choice."

Then a lantern construct of an axe appeared as it cut off the rope that Jessica made.

Babs: "That was weird."

Kara: "Wait a second..."

Kara then open a nearby door and turn to see 5 superheroes.

Kara then open a nearby door and turn to see 5 superheroes

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