Chapter 6: The Return of the EX

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HalOut of the Earth's orbit, two green lights appeared and they it was Jessica Cruz and Hal Jordan.

Hal: "This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz."

He made a bo staff from his ring and charge at Cruz.

Jessica: "Wait. What? What does that mean?"

Jessica made a green bo staff and block Hal's attacks.

???(Kilowog): "No, no, no."

They turn to see an alien with pink skin and in a green lantern uniform, he looks like he's not happy as they float to the asteroid he was on.

They turn to see an alien with pink skin and in a green lantern uniform, he looks like he's not happy as they float to the asteroid he was on

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???(Kilowog): "I don't get it, Cruz, what's the plan here? Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him?"

Hal: "Eh, could be a good strategy, actually."

???(Kilowog): "Quiet, Jordan! If you were fightin' anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now."

Hal: "I told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight."

Kilowog: "In the Green Lantern Corps, everyone fights."

Kilowog then makes a hammer and hit Jessica with it as she made a shield to block it.

Kilowog: "Your ring is only as strong as your willpower. Fear weakens your mind. It renders your ring useless."

Kilowog then breaks Jessica's shield.

Kilowog: "Why won't you fight back? Are you afraid?"

Jessica: "I'm not afraid!"

She made an octopus and it clamps itself onto Kilowog's face.

Hal: "She's beating you with sushi."

Kilowog got the octopus off of his face and look to see Jessica pull a rug under him and making him fall.

Jessica: "I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way."

Kilowog then got back up and turn to Jessica.

Kilowog: "You got lucky. Well, you won't be able to keep that up, forever. Sooner or later, you will have to learn to fight."

Later, Hal and Jessica return back to Earth and get out f lantern forms. They then walk on the field and have a conversation.

Hal: "Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually."

Jessica: "Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?"

Then two cheerleaders and a mascot appeared and see Hal.

Cheerleader: "Go get him tonight, Jordan! Nibble on, Hamsters!"

Hal: "Nibble on. Whoo! Hey."

Jessica: "Life isn't like a sports match, Hal. There are more ways to perform a touchdown than punching people."

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