🍋Demonic Meeting 🍋

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(requested by mgm235)

King Dice has been the Devil's right hand man for 4 weeks now but he is more than that. He is also his lover. Dice went to the Devil's office. "good morning Dicey~" the Devil welcomed Dice in. "mornin' boss. You wanted to see me sir?" Dice asked. "ah yes. Today I will introduce you to the highest level demons of Hell as my right hand man~" Dice was shocked he wasn't sure if he was ready to meet them. "they are coming in an hour so get ready~" Dice nodded and left the room.

He closed the door behind him and internal screamed. He quickly run to his room to get ready. He put on his best purple suit and bow tie (what was he wearing before? Clothes). He ckecked his make up and when he was done an hour already passed.

Dice walked in the Devil's office and saw a huge table with 6 demons sitting on it. Minus the Devil. "there you are Dicey. Fellas this is my right hand man, King Dice. Come take a seet Dicey" the Devil introduced Dice to the other demons. Some were happy to meet him while the others weren't "No offense, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a mortal as your right hand man" Asmodeus one of them said. "I think it is quite a good idea and I have already introduced him to Azazel and Lilith and they both agree" the Devil replied a little angry and Lilith and Azazel nodded their heads. "I don't really care about your opinion Asmodeus. Dicey here is more than my right hand man ~" the Devil grabbed Dice and kissed him deeply not caring if everyone was watching. Dice resisted for just a second before returning the kiss. Everyone gasped and they ended the kiss. The Devil didn't realize it just yet but he made a big mistake making Dice his right hand man and mate, now everyone wants to get him on their staff (so relatable, right?).

After giving opinions about Dice and talking about business everyone talked about their shower thoughts "you learn to read so you can read to learn!" said Azazel widening his eyes. "when blind people have dreams, do they see them?" Dice asked grabbing tight the Devil's hand making him chuckle. "the word 'fat' looks like someone took a bite from the word 'eat'" Devil said trying to fit with everyone else.

They star to say jokes to each other "George uses the washing machine way too much, what do his friends call him? George Washington!" (*sigh*Hamilton) joked the Devil. "have you guys heard about the restaurant in the moon? Great food, but no atmosphere" Lilith said making everyone laugh. The Devil's phone rang and excuses himself out. (...where was his phone?)

"so, Dicey how long have you been the Devil's right hand man?" asked suspiciously one demon. "oh, for about four weeks now" Dice answered. "and his lover?" "for a mouth now" Dice was getting weird feelings, like his sins were crawling from his lower back to the top of his head. "you like working for your boss?~" one of them crawled on the table going for the dice. "uh-h y-yeah" Dice started to sweat as he was getting surrounded by 5 muscled male demons while the sixth one, Lilith was on the door keeping an eye out for the Devil. (oh boy)

Dice tried to stand up but the other demons pulled him back over the desk. They hold his hands down and ripped off his clothes. "*gasp* don't y-you dare" Dice said begging for freedom. They ignored him and started licking him all over. Asmodeus layed Dice on to him and layed back. Dice's belly was on Asmodeus'. Azazel came behind him getting ready to party. Two demons were right in front of Dice's face. The other two were beside him, from each side.

Asmodeus got his dick out and entered Dice. Dice screamed in pain. Azazel entered him too making Dice moan as he had 2 dicks in his ass (ouch). "no w-wait ah oh ah" Dice tried to break free but his mouth was full. 2 dicks in his ass, 2 dicks in his mouth and hand jobbing (is that how hand job on continues is?). "come on dear~ what's wrong?~dont you do this with your boyfriend?~" Asmodeus teased Dice and slapped his. Dice moaned while sucking the dicks. "come on Dicey is and this how the Devil fucks you? Does he do it harder? Faster? I'll show ya harder~" with that Asmodeus went faster and harder. Azazel came in Dice making Dice taking the dicks out of his mouth and scream but he was shuted up by the demon entering his mouth again. Azazel went aside and one of the demons that was having a hand job entered Dice. Everyone went super fast. After one of came the changed positions. Dice wanted this to end and lucky for him Lilith screamed "guys the Devil is coming!!" "oh we didn't even finish the fun" one of the demons said cuming in Dice. "well we have time to give the final touch" everyone smirked and came all over Dice. The door cricked. Everyone was gone in a heartbeat.

The Devil entered the room and saw his love exhausted on the table cum and bitemarks all over him. "Dice holy shit!! What happened are you OK?! Oh I am gonna kill those assholes!!" the Devil helped Dice get cleaned and put the tired Dice on his bed and left to deal with the bastards.

(........ Well, he won't be able to walk for a while. Am I right? *looks at an empty room *well, Raven out)

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