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(requested by mikayla0000000 I also making it the secual of 'Smokey Punishment'cause why not)

Dice woke up in the Devil's arms. He wasn't feeling very well, he stood up and
immediately ran to the toilet and threw up. His rubbed his stomach in pain as he threw up. The Devil now watching and worried said "Dice, are you OK?" Dice threw up in response. "maybe you should see a doctor".

Dice remembered what happened last night and was mad at the Devil. But despite all that he would admit that he loved it so he took the Devil's advice and got dressed.

Dice got dressed and went to see the doctor. The doctor did some tests on Dice and came with the conclusion "congratulations!!! You are pregnant". Dice was shock confused, how could he be pregnant and even worse with the Devil's child!! "but how I am a male!?!" asked panicked the doctor "I truly don't know sir and it doesn't matter it just makes sense" (#logic).

Dice walked home thinking how was he going to tell the Devil? How would he react? Dice was mad the Devil himself forced him to have sex with him and got him pregnant! Now the Devil was going to get it.

Dice walked over to his boss with an angry smile. "hey boss, I am back" the Devil looked at the man in front of him and asked "hi Dicey, so how did it go?" the dice closed his eyes and smiled "well let's just say... We two from now on we will be three" Dice opened his eyes to see a shocked Devil sitting there watching him, confused "y-you y-you mean-" Dice nodded in response. "Dice I-I am soo sorry I didn't know I-" Dice was ready to cry, he didn't know what to do.

The Devil came close to him and hugged him. He kissed his forehead and waited for dice to calm down. "how could even happen?" "I don't know boss it just makes sense" Dice was now crying. "come on Dice we- we are going to be parents" the Devil said but was quickly cut off by Dice "Don't you try to make things better cause you can't. You forced me to have sex with you just because I was 'flirting' with Wheezy and now this I-" the Devil shut him up with a kiss and said "come now Dicey we are going to get through this, calm down!" and as he was told he did

*time skip*

It has been nine months and Dice was feeling way better, I mean not really 'cause his belly hurts every now and then and he is moody.

Today Dice was feeling very weird he told the Devil about it and he just freaked out and told him to get in the car.

Dice was in his room, reading when suddenly... *boom* he fell on the floor in pain, he wrapped his arms around his stomach. There was blood coming out of him. He screamed for help. After a few minutes the Devil came rushing. "Dice what happened are you ok?!" the Devil saw Dice on the floor, took him in his arms and teleported to the hospital.

They put Dice on a bed and entered the room but the Devil was not allowed to go in so he waited patiently for hours till... "come and meet your kids Mr" The Devil run it to see Dice tiredly holding two babies in his arms. A girl looking just like human but with one eye ocean-blue and the other golden, with black hair, blood red at the end of it. And the other a boy with red skin, golden eyes and black and grey hair.

Devil walked close to Dice. Dice was smiling. "Dicey they are beautiful!" the Devil took them in his arms and sat by Dice's side. "How should we name them?" Dice asked tiredly. "I don't know, how about... Raven and... Ace?" Dice was already asleep before the Devil could finish.

(.......... Logic..............ok DID I JUST FUCKIN ADD MYSELF IN THE STORY!?! HECK YES I DID BITCHES Stay determined....)

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