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It was a hard day at the casino, as usual. For years now King Dice has a mad crush on the Devil, but he can't tell him how much he loves him. He dreamed of the day that he would finally have the courage to tell him. And that day is tobay.

King Dice was working at the bar, while the Devil was in his office.

After a while the Devil got bored and decided to have some fun~. He took out his member and started doing his job, imagining Dice ~

Meanwhile King Dice was talking to Wheezy about the (you guest it) Devil. "I tell you Dice just go and say 'boss I like you'" said Wheezy. "But I don't know how he will take it, does he feel the same way or not, do I matter to him or am I just his good-for-nothing lakey" cryed Dice. "Well you'll never know if you don't tell him" pissed Wheezy. "Fine I will go" stayed Dice leaving.

When he was about to knock the Devil's office door he heard moaning!?! "f-fuck~ ah~ D-dice~" Dice was now blushing like crazy when all of the sudden... The door opened.

Dice looked in horror the hard demon not being able to move. The Devil stood up, locked the door and sat Dice down on a chair.

"I am sorry for what you had to see, but now that you know it doesn't matter. So I'll just say it" the Devil took a deep breath and screamed "I-I LOVE YOU" King Dice was still in shock but all that faded away as he stood up and kissed his love.

"I love you too!!" said Dice broking the kiss. The Devil with a smile started to kiss Dice's neck and taking off his clothes. When he was only in his underwear he slammed him in the desk and started eating him up. He kissed his down chest and went to the dice's boxers. He looked at him and asked "may I?" "Do as you wish boss~" answered Dice with a smile.

The Devil took of his boxers and licked the tip of Dice's member. Dice was a moaning mess already and put a hand on the Devil's head making him take more from him.

After a while the Devil's pulled out and put his huge member in the die's entrance "ready?" "of course" said Dice. With that the Devil pushed inside dice making dice gasp "ah~boss~m-more" he started pushing faster. With every thrust Dice let out a moan. "ooohh~b-boss~I am g-gonna-" with one final thrust they both came.

Dice gave a final kiss to the Devil before he past out in his lover's arms. The Devil took dice to his room when Wheezy past by.

(guess what I made this. The first smut I ever wrote. Raven out)

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