Chapter Eighteen

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[1 Month later]

I was peacefully sleeping when I heard a loud pop inside my room.

"Yah!!" It turned out to be a party popper. "What the hell?!" I was really pissed off by their acts.

"Sorry Y/N," The girls apologised.

I glared feeling really pissed. "And what's all of these for?"

"You haven't change a thing, huh? babe?" I heard Minghao from the door leaning against it while holding two glasses of wine. "Happy Monthsary!" He greeted.

He walked over to my bed and gave me the other one.
"Nice gift early in the morning," I sarcastically said.

"Today's special so why not?"

"This isn't good, you know?" I took a sip from the glass.

"You should hurry up and get dressed we're heading out for a picnic." He informed before kissing my forehead. "We'll be waiting outside," They all went out and closed the door.

"Not bad for a morning glass of wine," I smiled a little after taking another small sip.

After washing up and putting on some new clothes I went outside. All were packed up and ready to go. I feel a bit odd about this day and I don't know why maybe because they did not bother me yesterday or maybe I'm just over thinking, even so, just to be safe. "Minghao you shouldn't drive let Mingyu handle it," I grabbed the car keys right from his hands and swiftly gave it to Mingyu. "You're making your move, huh?" I heard Mingyu.

"Wine have its effects you know?" I glared before my realizations. "You also took a sip?" My eyes widened. "Is there anyone here who didn't? You all are really pissing me off, aish!" I cursed.

"Y/N, you're at it again. Calm down." Minghao gently hugged me while rubbing my back. After what happened that day I seriously did not let him drive again. I always try to look for excuses to take his keys from him and pass it over to the others. That day truly gave me a trauma and everytime I hear him ask me out I would always feel anxious. I tried to hide my anxieties from him but it turns out that he knew it all along. "Was it the wine?" This man seriously. I can see that he does not want the others to notice. It made me overwhelmed and smile at the same time.

"Mingyu you take it and drive the car," I heard him ordered Mingyu. And by that time I felt sleepy and did not know what happened next. This would always happen when I calm down after getting very anxious.

[Minghao's POV]

"Mingyu you take it and drive the car," I nodded signaling him to do it.

After observing Y/N, I noticed that she would always past out minutes later after calming down. I think it is because she's thinking quite a lot that it uses all of her energy. So I tried to tuck her in my embrace so that nobody would notice.

"Is she fine?" Mingyu asked taking a glimpse.

"Yup, you should all go to the car. I'll carry her there." I told the others and they all went except for Mingyu.

"Is she really fine?" Mingyu asked again, reassuring.

"Shhh, she's still not sober." I excused.

"Ohhh, was it the wine?" He's asking so much right now. "You should not give her alcohol next time." He commented.

"Go start the car, Mingyu." I sternly said then started lifting Y/N up. "We'll catch up and go there when she wakes up."

"What about the plan?"

"We'll still go according to our plan," I replied before opening the door to Y/N's room.

Minutes after putting her up in her bed. She started to have her consciousness back.

"Awake? Let me get you some water." I said.

"Hao, You don't need to. What happened?" She asked.

I walked over to her bed and sat on it, facing her. "Probably... You fainted?" I answered.

I saw her lowering her head as if she's hiding something from me. "Come on, Y/N. What's the matter?" I lifted her chin so that she can face me. "It's not as if I didn't notice when I'm always with you."

"Okay, I already consulted the doctor about this and I have been taking my pills." She replied reassuring me that she is fine.

I know that she's worrying so much so I assured her. "You don't need to worry, okay? Because I'll always be careful just for you. I won't let that thing happen again." I said while caressing her cheeks. "You don't have to think about the past because I won't ever bring you back... if it causes so much pain."

I can still clearly see the worries in her eyes and it grew much worse. "Just promise me you'll never ever make me sad and complicated like that ever again," Her eyes were getting kinda teary.

"I promise," I replied as I take the small box inside my pocket. "But you should think about this more." I opened it, showing it to her. Since she's making me promise her something then it's time to show her the promise rings. "You should also promise me that you'll be fine and be my girl for as long as we live." I was trying to avert her attention to the rings.

"How many times do I have to repeat it? I'm fine, okay? Don't worry." She said with a smile and her eyes were twinkling after she saw the rings. The worries were no longer there. "Give me that so we'll get over with this," I hurriedly moved it away from her so that she'll not get it. Just to tease her a little.

"We have a deal girl. Promise me..." She did not let me finish my words and gave me a peck on my lips and stole the box from my hand. "Hey! That was illegal." I protested.

"No, it's not." She was already opening the box.

"YES, it is." I tried to get it back from her but I just couldn't.

"Stay still. You're too naughty, give me your hand." She grabbed my hand and inserted the ring on my ring finger.

I took the other pair and also inserted it in her ring finger before sharing our planned surprise to her. "I really planned on giving this to you at the picnic place but since you kind of need it right now It looks pretty when your wearing it."

"It's because the bearer is also pretty," She boasted. "I was expecting for a wedding ring but nahh you're too lazy to think about that." She joked.

"Ohh, so you want marriage already. I kind of had a thought of what you've just said but since you like it then I'll get the ring tomorrow make sure you'll say yes, okay?" I winked at her turns out I only got another glare from her.

"I was just joking," Now she's finding ways to deny it.

"You're gonna get it tomorrow." I said trying to tease her more.

"Thanks for this by the way. I love you." She gave me the sincerest smile she could give. "And I promise I'll be fine by the time you man up and give me that engagement ring." Now she's the one teasing me and for that she'll get her punishment.

I was about to flick her forehead when my phone got a text message from Mingyu. I forgot that they were waiting.

"You know what they're waiting for us. Let's get going." I said as I take the blanket off her feet. I stood up and then she's pouting like a child.

"You'll drive?" She asked.

And there she goes again. "How can I? You gave the keys to Mingyu now they're all there leaving us to ride the bus instead."

"You're not mad, right?" She ask joking. "Okay... To make it up to you," She got off from her bed and kissed me but this time it was no longer a peck. This is so sudden.

Before I could realise that I was spacing out she already moved away and waved her hand across my face.

"You're blushing." She said before laughing her ass off.

"How could I not when you just made your move unexpectedly." I retorted.

"Ohh? Should I ask you first before doing it?"

"This conversation is getting very twisted Y/N. Next time I'm the one to make the move, okay?" I winked before pulling her out of her room and off we go to the bus station.

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