Chapter Seventeen

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[Minghao's POV]

It was already nearing 8 o'clock so they decided to go straight to the park.

"Lucky! There's no line. Palli." Zujin excitedly said. "Y/N, You can go with Minghao. I'll go with Jun." She said while embracing Jun's arm.

We entered together and there was an awkward silence. I noticed Y/N with a disappointed face. I was worried if I did something that would make her sad so I tried to approach her. It was quite hard to do so because knowing her, she would start sulking all through out the day.

"N-neo gwenchanayo?" I started the conversation with asking in pure softness.

"Hmm?" She replied humming. "Naega? Ahh nehh. Nothing to worry." She added assuring me with a warm smile.

"Are you sure? You can open it up to me if you like. I wouldn't mind." I smiled back.

Then she started talking about a friend whom she really loved but she was forgotten because of an accident. I was touched with her story because I feel like I was the one whom she was referring to. Who else is she going to talk about when it was just me who had an accident, right?

"And then I saw him winking towards my bestfriend. What now!? He fell for her?! And take note she was with her boyfriend when he did that!?" She was quite straight forward with the last sentences that she had said. It was cute knowing she hadn't change a thing even tho our relationship went through a lot.

"Chill okay? Take note of this." I looked at her straight in eyes and she did the same thing. "I only love you. In a crowded hall the only one I see is you." She didn't say a word nor budge. She just stayed quiet as if she was prohibited to talk.

"Wha... What did you say?" She started to tear up. "Can you repeat what you've just said?" she started crying.

"I said I only love you." I took both of her hands. "It's just the both of us here but you didn't hear what I was saying? It was loud and clear. I love you okay? I won't forget about you even if you hit my head millions of times." I was about to hug her but she didn't allow me to. "YAH, I miss hugging you so just let me." I insisted on hugging her until I did so.

"YAH, paboya. Are you dumb? If you miss it why were you so harsh to me?! Jinja paboya!" she started hitting my back while I was hugging her.

"Na paboya aniya," I replied back still hugging her savoring every single minute that was wasted.

"Get off of me. I'm seriously mad right now."

"No, you're not, both of us miss this feeling so we should stay like this for a while. By the way I miss your scent babe." I started teasing her. I can feel her glaring from behind. She hates it when I'm always clinging to her.

"Fine... But you have a lot of explaining to do,"

"So we're together again now?" I started asking.


"I'll count that as a yes."

"YAH, I didn't even said the yes word." She was protesting. I sat up straight and faced her.

"What was the word again?"

"Yes," She replied innocently.

"There you go. You said it just now, we're even. Today is our official date as a couple again. Ahhh neomu haengbokhae." I was celebrating.

"Fine whatever." I heard her say before looking away. I told you she missed it.

[Zujin's POV]

"Gonna tell everyone the big news today," I excitedly said while searching for my phone.

"We're not even sure if it went on a good note," Jun replied, worried.

"It's not like we've just met them. Look both you and I know them for long. And both of them can't stand ignoring each others feelings. You can tell just by observing." I stated.

"You have a point there,"

"And besides this is the right time to fix everything up there,"

By that time I started texting all of our friends before the ride comes to an end. I told everyone to come in 10 mins and Mingyu was the first one to arrive.

"Yah, Zujin what's this all about?" He asked slightly irritated because he seemed like running as he was catching his breath when he arrived.

"Look for yourself," I replied pointing to Y/N and Minghao who just came out of the ride hand in hand.

"YAH!? What's this all about?" I was sighing after his statement. He didn't even get my point. What  I said was look not ask. Poor Mingyu. *facepalm*

He stood right in front of Y/N and Minghao waiting for both of them to answer him until Minghao lifted his intertwined fingers with Y/N. I saw Mingyu dropped his jaw after witnessing.

"Heol!!" I heard the others at the back, half of them was as the same as Mingyu's expression while the other half had their straight face on as if they knew this was going to happen.

"Mingyu did you take your vitamins?" Woozi teased Mingyu. He was as if wiping Mingyu's mouth and closed it afterwards.

Mingyu got back to his senses and shoved his arms around Woozi's neck. "May I ask you too Hyung? You haven't yet told Mazi right?" he was smirking.

"Mingyu shut it," says Woozi, seriously.

"Ohh shouldn't I?" Mingyu replied before covering his mouth and motioned like he was zipping it. "But Mazi, Woozi Hyung likes you that's all," He hurriedly spilled the tea.

Woozi was ready to hit him but Mingyu already ran for his life. Mazi was shocked of what she just heard and everyone assured that it was true. Even Seokmin and Chan.

"He was about to tell you but this two here in front are facing problems. Thanks to Mingyu, now you already know." Seokmin said. "But can you please hold him up because Mingyu is really dead if he catches him."

"I'll go get them," Y/N insisted.

"No, you stay here." Minghao hold her up. "Mazi will deal with this. I'm sure she likes him too." Minghao said while winking.

Y/N nudged Minghao after doing his winking thing again. "You're going to stop that or we're done forever," She bluffed.

"Ohhh, someone's jealous." We all together teased her making her blush and hide in Minghao's arms.

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