Chapter Eleven

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As I was just laying on my scanning through my instagram I again received a text message and opened it.


Minghao: Hi?

Y/N: Mwo?

Minghao: Nothing. I just miss you already.

Y/N: ...

Y/N: Can you please tell me what you are up to right now?

Minghao: Courting you again. HAHA. Just kidding.

Y/N: I told you to give me some time to think, didn't I?

Minghao: I know but we can still be friends while you're thinking right?

Y/N: Yes, but-

Minghao: But? Well atleast you got someone you can lean on.

Y/N: Uhmmm-

Minghao: haha bye. see ya.

"This time to think will surely won't last long." I sighed.

It was already noon so we have to take our lunch. I stepped out of my room and went to Scoups'.

"Oppa!" I shouted while knocking.

I heard the door unlocked and he opened it.

"So slow. How will you find a girlfriend if you're like that?" I teased straightly walking towards his bed and sitted afterwards.

"Uhmm- I have this face." He winked after facing me.

"Ewww," I said before glaring.

"Haha. You can't accept the fact? How can you find a new boyfriend if you're like that? Soooo bitter." He replied.

"I don't have to LOOK for a new one."

"Can you just wear your shirt already? We have to eat our lunch, I'm hungry." I added.

I may not like it when he's always telling me of how handsome he is, which is true, but I also can't believe that up until now he still don't have a girlfriend with that he so called "looks" and with his kind and loving personality. Or maybe I was right he's just slow.

I shrugged it all off when he took his shirt and wear it. We went out to our  friends and find them preparing our lunch in a one long table.

"Y/N, you can help Minghao put up some fire and grill the meat over there. It looks like he's having a hard time." Jeonghan said.

"Ooookay," I replied before turning my back. I wore my cap and borrowed another one from my brother.

"Hi," I said after putting it on his head.

"Ohhhh thanks babe... I mean Y/N." He replied teasingly.

"You should be thankful that I am still nice to you out of all you did to me." I took the match from his hands.

"Nahhh. You still love me that's why," He chuckled.

I just glared and ignored him focusing on helping him with his assigned work.

"But- uhmm.. Y/N, can I ask you something?" he said hesitating.

I looked at him with a 'what-is-it' face.

"Why didn't you tell our friends about us?" He asked.

"I told you no one will understand," I replied not even looking. I know that I was wrong not trusting them but I was just worried.

He was about to say something but before he could- "I was planning on telling them anyways, later." I added.

"Is that so?"

"Yes and I hope they will forgive me, us, I hope they can understand us for not letting them know. And by the way sorry if I caused you so much hurt lately. Let's be mature from now on." I said looking at him forming a slight smile.

"Go get the meat. I'm done putting up the fire." I instructed.

He came back together with Dino. "Noona I'll do it for you. You and Hyung can go and get the others for lunch." He said making me move away.

"You can just wait here I'll call them," Minghao said.

I nodded and let him call the others while I wait for our food together with Jeonghan and Mazi.

"Got something to tell?" Mazi asked making Jeonghan look over to me.


"Ani, I just feel like something's bothering you but nevermind." She explained.

"About that... I'll tell you later." I replied.

They all arrived and sat on the vacant chairs. It was like my heart was racing after facing all of them.

"Y/N has something to tell," Mazi half-shouted.

"What is it?" Zujin asked.

All of them looked at me with curious eyes except for Minghao who looks worried.

"Let's eat first and then we'll talk about that after."

Minghao sat beside me before whispering - "You sure about this?" He asked.

I looked at him and gave him an assuring glance. I am now pretty sure of my decision and nothing else more can make me change it.

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