Oh my god I'm going to murder her. Right before I die of humiliation.

"Backed out, huh?" Nick chuckled as he rested his hands on my hips. I look up at him and sigh, putting my arms around his neck.

"Shut up."

He shook his head and started swaying us along with the slow music. "Ya know, he wanted to ask you to dance but said he was scared you'd say no."

My body tensed up. "Really? Now I feel like shit because I just asked you to dance in front of him. What the hell is wrong with me?"

"We don't have time to unwrap all of that." He started, earning a glare from me. "But - now correct me if I'm wrong - I think that you still like him and are scared of ruining your friendship."

I know he was expecting me to go against him and say I don't like Harry like that anymore, but I couldn't keep denying it when I knew exactly what I was feeling. Yes, I was afraid of admitting it to myself, but I realized that was getting me nowhere and just confusing myself even more.

"I know." I groaned. "This fucking sucks."

Nick's eyes widened and his jaw fell. "Did you...you actually agree with me? You are admitting your feelings out loud?"

I roll my eyes and backhand his shoulder. "Alright, stop being dramatic."

He closes his mouth and smirked. "I'm just glad you finally realized it." He glanced behind me and his smirk fell. "Now, don't get mad, but I think Lara said something to Harry because he is walking over here."

My anxiety levels rose and I stood up straight, dropping my arms slightly. "Oh god. Do I look okay?" I panicked quietly.

"You look beautiful, Mads. Just act normal." He whispered.

I nearly froze when Harry came into view with an edgy smile on his lips and looked between the both of us. "Mind if I steal her from you?" He asks Nick.

Nick flashed me a grin before shaking his head. "Not at all." He grabbed my hands from his shoulder and handed them over to Harry before walking away, sending me a wink.

Harry kept my left hand in his and brought my right hand to his shoulder, placing his own on my waist and slowly sliding it towards my back to pull me closer.

"Hi." He greeted timidly, looking down between us and back up at my face.

"Hi." I replied just as quietly, praying he thought I was just cold instead of knowing my face was turning red from us being this close.

"You look...wow." He breathed.

"Good wow or bad wow?" I asked hesitantly.

"Good. Very good wow." He answered, his face looking almost as red as mine. The top of his head was hidden with a black fedora that matched his black suit. All of it was tied together with the bandana that hung around his neck.

"Thank you. You look wow too." I said, slowly gaining my confidence back as my nerves slipped away.

"Good wow, right?"

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