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Shoto was furious. He had come to Katsuki's castle to talk about the Omega trades, and when no one said he would be coming to the throne room, he decided to head up to his room. When he had gotten there, the seductive scent of the green haired Omega hit him like a brick. It was obvious he was in heat and being deprived of what he needed, and he could smell how frustrated the greenette was. As soon as Katsuki had opened the door and Shoto's scent wafted towards Izuku, Izuku was presenting himself. Shoto had been excited to get the Omega to himself, but he defied him. The heterochromia eyed male had nearly marked him against his will, but was pulled away by Katsuki. The blonde's guards had thrown him outside, slamming the door in his face.

Shoto was pacing around his bedroom, the scent of the Omega still lingering in his mind. The dual haired male now had a bruise over his right eye, courtesy of Katsuki. "God damnit.. I want that Omega!" He snarled.

The Alpha sat on his bed, his head in his hands in frustration. He had a painfully hard erection from the thought of dominating the tiny greenette, the imaginary scene playing itself in his head over and over again. With a groan, he called for his personal servant. A beta with orange colored hair came in, a worried look on her face. "How may I serve you today, sir? "

"Blowjob," He stated cold, unbuckling his belt.

She bit her lip, accepting her fate. "Yes sir.. " She couldn't refuse, if she did, the prince would then have her family executed.


Izuku groaned, the all too familiar feeling of slick sliding down his legs made him bite his lip. Katsuki was right beside him, taking a nap. The Alpha had his arms draped protectively around him, his head buried in his soft curls. Izuku was beginning to be able to think for himself again without his heat clouding his judgement, but he was still craving to be fucked by the Alpha that was currently holding him. Katsuki ran a hand up and down the greenette's back, comforting him whilst still asleep.

Izuku purred at the contact, leaning into his chest. Katsuki's eyes fluttered open, his gaze instantly going down to the Omega in his arms. He smiled softly, letting his hand come up to run his fingers through the small greenette's hair.

Katsuki brought his other hand up and softly caressed his cheek, placing a finger on his soft lips. "Alpha..? "


"I'm sorry..." Izuku muttered.

"Sorry for what?" Katsuki asked with a quirked eyebrow.

Izuku huffed, attempting to sit up. Katsuki held him close to his chest, making him unable to move. "I'm sorry for what I did yesterday... " He sighed.

"You couldn't control it, I'm not mad at you, I'm just mad at that half n' half bastard," The Alpha said, resisting the urge to growl. Izuku nodded, unsure for a couple reasons. The first being why he was sorry, he didn't even belong to the blonde Alpha before him, why would he feel bad about another Alpha nearly claiming him? The second being if Katsuki really did forgive him. It was silly, really, why is he seeking the forgiveness from the same Alpha that had kidnapped him and nearly forced him to mate? For some unknown reason, though, he felt like he had betrayed him. So what if he had presented for another Alpha? He shouldn't feel bad about it at all, right?

Right. He was his own person. He didn't belong to anyone, especially not some stuck up Alpha bitch that expects him to oblige to him like he owns everyone. He couldn't stop the constant itch from his Omega that was screaming at him to "make it up" to the blonde, though. Izuku, being repulsed by the very thought of "making it up to him", scrambled to get away from Katsuki. Even though he knew Katsuki couldn't hear his thoughts and had no idea what he had just thought of, he felt as if the blonde was going to act upon said thoughts. He let himself get a few feet away before curling up and hiding his face from the Alpha's view, not wanting him to get the satisfaction of knowing he had made him blush once again. If he wants me, he's going to have to fight for me. I'm not giving myself up to him so easily!

Mine!~ •BakuDeku• //FantasyAu// «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now