I suddenly press the breaks, stopping the car at the corner of a deserted road. Turning to look at her blue eyes that held innocence, anger suddenly began to slowly build up in me. I mentally took a deep breath, composing myself before opening my mouth to speak.

"And you actually think you'll be safer without me?" I chuckled deeply while folding my arms as well. "Let me tell you something, it's never gonna be safe anymore for you. They're gonna search for you and hunt you down until they find you and when they do...you wouldn't even get a chance to blink because before you know it...you'll be dead!" I said, glaring at her. A little smirk grew slowly onto my lips as I watched as fear slowly took over her.

"and if you think the police will save you, think again because in the world that you're gonna enter, no police, no anyone can come to your rescue because in that world...They don't exist! So, I'm doing you a great favor here by taking you to my house, where you'll be safe and sound. So before you deny my offer, ...think again!" I finally concluded. The smirk disappeared from my lips and replaced with a serious, cold look.

I meant everything I said.

If she wants to survive, she'll have to be by my side and although I don't know why I'm doing this, for some reason, I'm glad I am.

I think it's because she's an innocent person who couldn't even harm a fly and I feel like I can't just let an innocent person die again. I've killed many before but this is my time to be different and change.

I have to make my parents proud.

┌─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┐
└─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┘

"To my house" I remembered him replying in a tranquil tone as if he's not even bothered that he's taking me to HIS house without my permission.

'I don't need to go to his house, I have my own.' Was what I was thinking in my head and had no thoughts of staying at his house. I wasn't gonna even think about it because it was a no for me! But...after what he had just said to me just now, had me thinking for a while now.

Am I actually in danger and can only survive if I'm with him?

I mean he did save my life earlier and he looked pretty skilled from the way he was firing bullets at those men...so it might be true and...and I probably should just stay with him to be safe...but...

But can I actually do that? I mean I don't even know him. I'm gonna stay at a stranger's house! A man that I've never known before.

Can I trust him?

Well I mean you trusted him with your life earlier...

Yes, but can I actually trust him with my life? That I'll survive and not die? Can I actually trust that he won't kill me himself or hand me over to those men as a trade for his life?

I continued to stare into his icy grey eyes but then averted my eyes to look at his features that were hidden behind the dark shadows. I was still curious about how he looked but now isn't the time to think about that. I have to make a choice here which will either keep me alive or get me killed.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a minute as his words sank into my brain.

He's the only one that can protect me. Those people will hunt me down and I won't get a chance to blink because before I know it, I'd be dead! The police not anyone won't be able to help me because, in that world, they don't exist! He's doing me a favor by offering to protect me and I should think before I deny it!


I took a deep breath, slowly opening my eyes to look at him. I've finally made my choice.

"Okay" I spoke, agreeing to stay by him for my safety. I didn't know if my choice was the right one but I just have the feeling that I did the right thing.

And I've now entered a world where there's no one that can help me but him. I can only survive with the help of him. I can only rely on him. He's my source of reliance.

"Good" he replied in a cold tone before he started the car once more and drove off into the night.

• • •
Short chapter, ik and i'm sorry but I just feel like this was a nice place to stop for now. The next chapter is gonna be better!

And yes, I've finally written Jaxon's POV.

Question: So how do you like Jaxon so far?

I hope you all have a great night!

Bye for now👋

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