Death to the Living, Life to the Dead

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Blood splattered everywhere as wood impaled the old fool. 'Madara' almost cackled in glee as the third Hokage dropped to the ground. Dead. It was a rather troublesome battle and 'Madara' was beginning to feel the exhaustion of chakra depletion.

'He' turned to his pair of puppets and stiffened. Hashirama's appearance seemed as blank and zombie-ish as always and yet...delicate tears dripped from his hollow eyes. It seemed that he still had a conscious. Even the stoic Second Hokage seemed to ooze a silent sadness.

Rather than feeling irritated, 'Madara' felt elated. Hashirama felt and saw every single wound he, himself, inflicted on his own student until death. The irony amused 'him'.

Imagine what would happen if 'he' forced them to destroy their own village.

Simultaneously 'he' staggered backwards. The two deceased Hokage suddenly began their futile attempt of rebelling. Their protests felt like a slight buzzing that vibrated through 'his' fingers.

'Madara' smirked and with a twitch of his hand he permitted them to speak. Yes, 'he' permitted them to speak. 'He' had the power. 'He' had all the control...and it felt terrific.

"You filthy and vile Uchiha scum!"

Tobirama was first to bite. 'Madara' didn't really care.

"Says the Senju, the servant of this so-called Uchiha scum." The Uchiha mused darkly. "Go on Senju—-mock me! Threaten me! Attack my clansmen—-oh wait, they're dead."

Tobirama snarled.

"Every single one of my clansmen is dead." 'He' repeated.

Akai felt strange. The genuine anger she felt wasn't planned. Why was she angry? Why did she feel so...bitter?

This wasn't the plan.

And yet she couldn't stop.

Why should she stop? It's true wasn't it? Her clan was dead and it was Konoha's fault!

And so she continued.

Akai allowed this hatred to flow through her, she allowed this power to fill her.

"Your student ordered the massacre of my clan." 'Madara' continued bitterly, mangekyō sharingan gleaming eerily "Konoha is the reason my clan is dead."

"You are not Madara."

The words were a statement. They came abruptly—-cutting in and slicing both Tobirama and 'Madara' alike into silence. Strangely, the words weren't accusatory, no they were confident and sure...and they came from Hashirama Senju himself.

'Madara' stiffened. Akai flinched. And Hashirama stared.

His eyes were piercing and sharp. Akai feared that he could see right through her. She needed to be convincing, she needed to be real.

She felt her true mangekyō flare to life.

"We met at a stream." Words began to leave her mouth, words that she herself didn't intentionally speak.

Akai's eyes widened.

She was not in control.

"We skipped rocks." The voice continued as Akai wrestled to regain control. no no!!!

Was this the power of her mangekyō?

Madara Uchiha stared intensely at his childhood friend.

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