What Being a Ninja Means

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"What do you mean?" Asked Sakura not understanding a thing.

"Akai is a surviving member of a certain clan." Hiruzen tried to explain gravely. He turned to face the red head, "You should tell them..."

"With all due respect Lord Hokage," Akai interrupted smoothly, "I don't think they need to know my heritage."

Sakura glared at Akai, "And why no-!"

Kakashi gave Sakura a pointed look. He remembered Akai's background and understood what Akai was concerned for.

She was an Uchiha.

Hiruzen eyed the girl pointedly.

"They are your teammates Akai, I'm sure you can trust-!"

"Trust?" Akai blinked, "There is no such thing in a ninja."

Akai knew this very well. She betrayed her parents' trust just as a ninja would. They failed to see underneath the underneath and paid the consequences.

At least this life isn't boring.

Hiruzen sighed, "I see..."

It was understandable that she didn't trust anyone. Her clan had been massacred after one of their own after all.

Hiruzen understood, or at least he thought he did.

'That was close.' Thought Akai, 'too close...'

Akai knew that Kakashi was probably aware of her and her clan but wouldn't say anything.

Things were going according to plan.

All she needed to do was wait for the right moment.

"But why tell us this?" Sasuke asked as he glanced at Akai.

"Because...I want you to be her bodyguards from now until we catch the one who stole the file." Sarutobi informed, "As her team it will be easy to protect her..."

Akai plastered a fake smile on her face, "There's no need for-!"

"I insist. It's a mission now," Sarutobi informed, "Under the Konoha Classification system it would typically be a B or A-rank mission. Worse come to worse Kakashi will handle it."

'Damn it!' Cursed Akai mentally.

How could she continue her plan if her stupid team is monitoring her? She could probably slip away but with Kakashi on her trail?

"YES! A MISSION!" Naruto whooped, "Thanks Akai!!"

Akai pursed her lips, "Sure..."

"And you mustn't forget about Tazuna." Sarutobi reminded.

Akai smiled flawlessly and bowed, "Thank you Hokage-sama."

Her facade was perfect. It masked her fury flawlessly just like makeup.

"You didn't have to follow me around like this." Scoffed Akai.

"I know." Kakashi shrugged.

"It's just training!" Insisted Akai in exasperation.

"Then you can train with me." Kakashi replied smoothly.

Akai laughed dryly, "You just love torturing me."

Kakashi smiled lazily, "really?"

Kakashi had been wondering about Akai everyday since her file had gone missing.

Who was after her?

Obviously something that her and the Hokage knew about alone.

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