The Professor's Requiem

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One hand pressing a kunai to the old man's neck, the other? Forming handseals of course.

In a flash of light, a barrier made of an intense chakra surrounded the arena and the Hokage. Akai smirked, No one will interfere with this battle.

She'd make sure of that.

"Lord's not too late to back down." Sarutobi said solemnly.

Akai smirked, Sarutobi couldn't see but she was performing a transformation jutsu. She channeled chakra into her vocal chords and spoke.

I feel...terribly bored, she thought with a sigh, it worth the risk to play around?

She needed to feel the thrill.

Something to spice this boring plan up.

And she knew just what to do.

"It is...for the real Kazekage." Akai grinned as the third Hokage's eyes widened. "Really...I was disappointed it was so easy to kill a Kage...I wanted to try again. Don't disappoint me Sarutobi. I'm expecting more of a fight."

Lies flowed smoothly off her tongue.

"You...! You killed the Kazekage?!" He growled, "How-!"

"Mm do you remember Minato Namikaze? Heh what a silly question of course you do!" Akai said smoothly as insanity threatened to leak into her otherwise composed tone. "Let me tell you a secret..."

His aged face paled.

"I killed him."

"You...Who are you?" The old man barked as a furious rage sparked in his eyes.

Akai grinned as smoke encircled her and the transformation took form.

"You know me as Madara Uchiha."

Lies. Lies. Lies.

This was fun...if he fell for her lies. She inhaled—!

"Impossible! You died-!"

He did.

—She exhaled.

His greatest mistake.

"Did I really?" 'Madara' smirked. "Who else could've controlled the nine tails? Who else was skilled enough to fake their death? I left a Shadow clone in my place and that fool Tobirama fell for it!" Madara spat at the ground cursing Tobirama's name. "Well look who's alive now? Tobirama isn't."

Sarutobi shook with rage, fear...a fair combination of both. "Why are you telling me this?"

Madara smirked, "I feel like sharing some secrets and dead men tell no tales... now then," 'Madara' lowered the kunai and jumped away. He grinned. "Let's dance."


Sasuke forced a smile as Inari questioned him.

"How's Naruto?"

"Is Sakura still annoying?"

"How about Kakashi?"

The questions were annoying. But what really irked Sasuke was the guilt that bubbled up every time their names were mentioned. It frustrated him.

It's worth it. He told himself, I'll kill Itachi...

Somehow it didn't ease him.

I won't be alone. Sasuke continued, I have Akai with me.

He felt better. A lot better.

A mistake...


Naruto screamed as Sakura was slammed against a tree. Sand creeping closer and closer to his own self.

"Damn you!! Shadow clone jutsu!"


The anbu watched the Hokage and his attacker in shock.

"Isn't.....isn't that-?"

"No way!"

"It can't be-!"

The anbu were too busy watching the battle to notice...the venomous snakes cooking around their ankles.

And they were helpless to stop what came next.

In a flash, the fangs struck and the anbu succumbed to their venomous fate.


They stared at each other from a distance. 'He' was smirking. He was grimacing.

"Phoenix Sage Fire!"

"Mud wall!"

'Madara' shook his head, "Is that the best a student of Tobirama can do? Pathetic!"

"Imposter!" Sarutobi growled, "You could be anyone pretending to be Madara! You fake!"

Starting to see through my lies? Akai growled mentally.

"We shall see about that." Akai scoffed, "I am the Madara Uchiha!"

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

Two clones appeared by Sarutobi's side and Akai frowned.

"Three against one isn't fair." She said using Madara's voice. A smirk gracing her transformed features, "Lets even the odds. Edo Tensei!"


"Ah yes."

There stood Hashirama and Tobirama Senju. Reanimated.


"That's right." Akai grinned in the guise of Madara. "Now then..."

"Let's dance."

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