Epilogue: New Additions

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You really think I would end the story without adding Trent and Ashley's birth stories? Enjoy! 😉


Lloyd's P.O.V.:

It had been about seven months since the incident with Wu and my father. Wu was living with us in the monastery and he seemed to be happy here with Ryder and the other kids.

Even my father contacted me from time to time the way Wu used to and we had pretty good conversations. It felt great to have a good relationship with my father again. I would talk to him about the stuff I was going through at the time and it was a lot.

For one thing, I never did find out what exactly that vision of me fighting Ryder was or where it came from. Wu said he knew nothing about it and that it was probably just a reoccurring nightmare. I didn't really believe that, but that's what I was going with for now.

I would also talk to him about how nervous I was because Kira was getting so big and our baby's due date was at the end of the week. We were so excited, and at the same time we were overwhelmed with getting everything ready for her arrival. I know we still had a few days, but sometimes babies can come early and that was something I knew well, considering Ryder surprised us by being a week early and almost gave me a heart attack.

We had found out that we were having a little girl and we were so excited for her arrival. To be honest it would be a nice change of pace to have a daughter. If I was right this would be first girl born in the Garmadon side of the family, so that made it even more exciting.

Me and Ryder liked all the same things. Dragons, candy, bananas, martial arts, all of that stuff, but I've never had a daughter before. I was worried that I wouldn't have much in common with her when she got older.

"Lloyd, it's time." Kira came bursting into our bedroom where I was.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"She's coming, we gotta go!" She screamed while she was doing her breathing exercises.

I went into instant panic mode and quickly told my mom and Ryder what was going on. We quickly ran out the door and got her into my mother's car. Then my mom drove us all to the hospital. I was so excited yet so panicked at the same time.

Kai's P.O.V.:

Today was supposed to be one of the best days ever, but it turned into one of the most worrisome days of my life.

We were in the living room watching a movie with the kids when I saw Skylor holding her stomach in pain.

"Skylor, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah it's just a contraction." She said breathing.

"Is our new brother coming?" Amber asked excitedly.

"No sweetie, it's just a false alarm." Skylor told her.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Relax Kai, I've done this twice already I think I know what I'm talking about." She snapped.

"I really think we should go to the hospital just in case, I mean it is way past his due date." I insisted.

"Alright fine." She agreed. "Kids go get your stuff."

The kids quickly ran upstairs to get their stuff and I called Nya and Jay to ask them to watch them. Once Nya said that she was on the way to pick them up I took Skylor to the hospital.

The doctor told us that Skylor was in labor, but the baby wasn't developed enough to be born yet. She had been pregnant for nine months, two weeks, and four days. (And yes I kept count as I did for all my children.)

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