"Not happening." I was quick to cut her off, I knew where she was going with this, suggesting that Azrael and I would complete the mating bond by having sex. As if.

Sapphire frowned and Emmanuel laughed but neither of them said another word as they helped me walk out of the cell and back into the daylight.

The walk to the house was uneventful, both Sapphire and Emmanuel were on high alert scanning for any sign of Azrael obviously. We reached the door and a wave of relief washed over all of us, i was just happy to be anywhere besides being chained to a wall in a jail cell.

Emmanuel rugged open the door and immediately sucked in a breath and my stomach fell to the f:cking floor. "Beta, i wasn't expecting you to be back from your trip so soon...How were your travels?"

Weston stood before us, my brother was actually here after all and he was the Beta no less. I stared up at him in utter disbelief and opened my mouth to try and formulate some semblance of words to say to him. But what does one really say to an estranged, presumed dead brother who abandoned his pack because of his hatred for me?

He took notice of my confused turmoil clearly and jumped in before I could say anything, "What are you doing with the prisoner?" He ignored Emmanuel's attempt of diversion completely.

Emmanuel fumbled trying to find words as well but Sapphire was quick to take over, "Alpha asked us to take her to the house because of her current state of heat."

My brother nodded his head skeptically, "I'd like to have a word with the girl before you take her upstairs."

I inhaled sharply, knowing that whatever conversation Weston wanted to have with me was not going to go well.

Sapphire smiled brightly and took hold of my arm skirting is around Weston quickly, "I'd love to let you do that, Beta but we are under strict orders to take her to the room immediately."

"Strict orders, eh?" Weston wasn't buying it one bit, that much was obvious. "Well carry on then, wouldn't want you all to get in trouble with the Alpha especially with the mood he's in today."

I gulped, no doubt loud enough for the group to hear. I feared that the moment we left Weston, he would go right to Azrael and rat us out.

Without another word, Sapphire continued to haul me up the stairs faster than my tired body would have liked, with Emmanuel following in close tow behind us. "Sh:t, sh:t, sh:t, sh:t." He muttered under his breath as we reached a large black door.

Sapphire scowled at him, "Relax," she hissed lowly.

She opened the ominous door and practically shoved me inside the dark room, "This is where you're going to be staying now!" Her voice was trying very hard to sound calm and excited.

I couldn't see much in the darkness, "Where am I...who's room am I in..." I trailed off slowly when a familiar scent hit me, I was in Azrael's room. "No, no, absolutely not."

I rushed to the door but Sapphire and Emmanuel were too quick, slamming the door in my face and locking it from the outside. I pounded my first against the wood, "You can't leave me in here! He's going to kill me if he finds me!"

Sapphire sighed through the door, "I'm trying to help you, Luna...this is the only way you can find get relief."

Luna, so bizarre.

I sighed and flicked on the light beside the door and Azrael's room was illuminated before my eyes. Unsurprisingly it was decorated in a very dark almost macabre aesthetic, it suited him well. There were books on shelves everywhere as well as a variety of unmarked pills and vials. I trailed my fingers along the walls as I explored further into the room.

My discovery of the shower was probably my favorite out of all the things in Azrael's room, I sniffed my armpit and instantly knew that showering would have to be the first thing I did.

Quickly I stripped off my nasty, bloody and sweat drenched clothes before sliding into the fancy shower; allowing myself to sigh in relief and relish the hot water cascading across my skin.

I stayed under the water far too long, relaxing myself to the point where I felt comfortable enough in my solitude to start quietly singing one of my favorite all time songs "That's the Way Boys Are" by Lesley Gore.

My mom used to raise me off of her music, some of my earliest memories were dancing around the kitchen with my mom blasting the vinyl as loud as possible. Most of Lesley's music was depressing with a happy little tune so it was almost comforting.

"When he treats me rough and he acts as though he doesn't really care. Well, I never tell him that he is so unfair. Plus, he loves me and I know it but he's just afraid to show it, 'cause that's the way boys are; that's the way boys are. Oh, when he wants to be alone I just let him be, 'cause I know that soon enough he will come back to me..." I hummed quietly to myself as I stepped out of the shower and reached for the closet towel which was of course black in color.

"The song was right about one thing."

My blood instantly chilled and I was frozen to my spot as I heard Azrael's menacing voice behind you, "There's no where you can go where I will not come back to you and find you."

Aw sh:t.


ayyyy a fast update (we got to 1.3k votes SO f:cking fast THANK YOU)! ayyyy new characters!!! ayyy more tension!!! woot woot woot : P

let me know your THOUGHTS < 3

love and POSITIVITY always
xx q

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