Chapter 9 :: The Party Pt. 2

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Zion's P.O.V

I love (Y/N). She is really good for Nick. So when I heard that she broke up with him I couldn't believe it. She's became one of my best friends and I knew she loved Nick. She wouldn't do that without a really good reason. I was determined to get to the bottom of this. After finding out she wouldn't talk to anybody I was terrified. This is serious. What could have happened ?? I pulled her two friends aside and asked what happened. The girl... Marshi(?) Told me that there stuck up friend I never liked made a whole thing up about Nick kissing her. I was gonna kill that bitch but someone held me back. Nick was basically screaming nothing happened between them... well he was whisper- yelling. He was pissed as well. Benin(?) calmed us all down and told us that they know it isn't true because of this whole story they told us. I was pissed. I tried to get (Y/N) to talk to me but she just asked me to politely go away. She sounds heartbroken.... I can't believe her own best friend would do this to her. I would never do anything like that to her and I met her a few months ago. She's so amazing and deserves the world but her friend treats her like she's the only one who gets everything. My boy Nick doesn't even like her. He found her very creepy and so did the rest of us. I have a bad feeling about this girl. She could hurt somebody.

Its been almost three days and she still hasn't talked to any of us. I'm so pissed. I want my friend back and Nick is a mess. He hasn't talked to anyone since then. He just lays in bed in the basement, well, his room. Sometimes he'll be on his couch but pretty much he doesn't do anything. He has no motivation. I want him to be happy again. He doesn't eat and from what I heard they haven't even seen (Y/N) since everything happened. I have had enough of this. I picked Nick up and threw him over my shoulder. He didn't even make a sound. "You are going over there and making things right," I said to him, tossing him in the backseat of my car. "She won't open up," he mumbled back not looking up from the floorboard. "Then you're going to climb in through that window," I said pointed at the window on the side of her house that leads to her bedroom. He looked up for the first time in days and got out of the car. "I'm not leaving until I know everything is good," I told him after rolling the window down. He gave me a thumbs up without looking back and heading towards the house. I looked down at my phone and went through my photos. (Y/N) is such a vibrant person. I have plenty of pictures of us being goofy at various locations. I miss my best friend. Who is gonna do reckless things with me that I don't want to do with the guys?? Who's gonna pretend to be my girlfriend when random girls is tryna get at me?? I can't do these things without her and I don't want to. I feel like it's been 15 minutes.


Nick: Everything is great, thank you so much Zi

(Y/N): Nick told me you got him to come here, thank you best friend xo I love you!

I smiled at the texts. I made this happen. I got my OTP (one true pairing) back together.

Zion: (to Nick) no prob Mara, I can't stand to see you like that

Zion: (to (Y/N)) no problema best friend ,  I love you too girl! I missed you so much !

I am so happy. I drive home. I wanted to give them some alone time. But I am hanging with my GBF tomorrow. We need to catch up. I want to hear about what her friend told her. This is bullshit.


I got a text late at night. It was from Nick. After getting us all together him and (Y/N) came up with a plan to get back at Eva(?). I'm not good with names haha. I thought it was an amazing idea. She deserves hell after the way she treated my angel best friend. She does nothing but give to that cunt and all she did was back stab her the first chance she got. That's fucked up.

Nick's P.O.V

My baby is like the realest person I know. She's so talented and humble about everything. I honestly love that I met her. She's gorgeous. I know that she's gotten so close to all of the guys, especially Zion. They have become like best friends and I love that. I know he'll take care of her. I told her in front of everyone that I don't want her talking to that bitch anymore. I don't want her trying to make things right between them because she doesn't deserve my baby's friendship. Everyone else agreed with me , so anytime she tries to even come near her everyone makes sure she steers clear.

We've been hanging at her house all day today and let me tell you, seeing Evelyn's surprised face when she saw (Y/N) and I making out alone in the kitchen was priceless. We saw her but didn't let her know that we saw her. I wanted her to be jealous. (Y/N) is all I want. I held her really tight after our lips parted and we smiled at each other. I intertwined our fingers and led her into the living room with the rest of them. She sat beside me and there was an empty place beside her. Evelyn was eyeing that spot and was about to walk over here when Zion sat there and hugged her. She payed her legs across his lap and her head across mine. We were watching a funny movie. I was stroking her hair. From across the room you could see Eva keep looking at us longingly. Bitch. I honestly can't stand her. She may have been the reason I got my beautiful girlfriend , but she means nothing to me. Less than nothing. There is nothing worse than backstabbing friends.

It was close to dark. We began watching horror movies. (Y/N) and I were at the very end of the couch closest to the back. Eva was behind us. We were snuggling each other. I had her wrapped up tight in my arms. She was against the back of the couch and I was on the edge but we both had plenty of room because of the close proximity. I kept looking over at her and giving her little kisses. I love doing that. It was just 10x sweeter knowing that Evelyn was watching us with anger. I bit (Y/N) lip , pulling it towards me a little until I kissed her completely. She makes my insides heat up.

Some time during the movie I guess we both fell asleep cause I woke up to the sound of camera's and a scoff. I heard giggles and someone say "get out of the way this is too cute, they are gonna want these pictures". I slowly opened my eyes and noticed we were being stared at by everyone with huge smiles on their faces. Except Eva. She was trying to block the pictures and had an angry look on her face. Ha. I looked down at (Y/N) with adoration. Aweeee she's still sleeping soundlessly on my chest. Her face was halfway in my open jacket against my bare chest. I bit my lip. I heard another camera. I looked up and saw Zion was the only one still looking at us. I gave him the 'shhhh' motion and carefully picked up (Y/N) and carried her up the stares and to her bedroom. I tucked her in under the blankets , placed a kiss on her temple , and made my way to the kitchen. I made her some warm tea with three ice cubes in it and headed back upstairs. I placed the to-go cup preferably for coffee on her side table and snuggled in next to her. Once I was under her embrace I felt myself grow tired again. Right before I closed my eyes I noticed Evelyn's figure leaving the chair in the far corner of the room and walking out the dark room through the door into the lit up hallway. She was watching that whole thing?? Creeeeppyyyyy.... I placed a kiss on (Y/N)'s lips and nuzzled my cheek against hers while my hand was holding her head bad the other was wrapped around her and drifted into REM.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up to pitch darkness. I jerked up in my.. bed?? When did I get in my room?? I looked around.. well , I tried. I couldn't see yet. My eyes were focusing on the different shades of darkness passing my vision as my eyes wondered the room. They landed on Nick laying by my side. Aweeeee, he brought me up here. I check my phone to see what time it was. 2:00 AM. Fuck. I'm going back to bed. I saw the many texts from all the guys , Mar , and Beni. All were of me and Nick sleeping on the couch. Aweeee we are sooo cute. I saved every one of them. Every picture was from a different angle because of the different place each person was standing in. One is particular caught my eye. I just adored it. It was from Zi. A picture of Nick watching me sleep while biting his lip. He truly looks like he loves me. Zi always knows how to make me feel better. Even if I'm the corner of the most of the picture you see Evelyn looking deeply annoyed. I set my phone face down on the table and saw Nick's light up. He got all the picture sent to him as well. Along with a message from each guy that is so sweet. These are the messages:

Zion: Please don't hurt my best friend. She's very special to me and I know you love her with your whole heart ❤️ stay humble bro!

Brandon: I'm glad I could help you find the love of your life man! I'm beyond happy for you and can't believe it actually happened bro. She's a keeper!!

Edwin: (Y/N) is so perfect for you , I'm so jealous! Y'all are my O.T.P 🥰

Austin: I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do. I can't tell you how happy I am that you finally found someone who makes you happy like this bro...

I love the guys so much. Everyone always makes me feel so at home. I noticed a cup next to my phone. I took a sip... Awe shuckseydoodles! He got me some tea. What a cutie. He's such a blessing. I can't imagine being this happy with anyone else. I snuggled back into him with a smile on my face and went back to sleep. Until morning , lovelyyyy.

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