Chapter 3 :: "The BLiND Date"

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Brandon's P.O.V

I was partying and having a good time when this random girl came up to me. Apparently her name was ..Marsha or something.. She was trying to set her friend up with Nick. I was confused until I remembered something. "Are you talking about that girl that he bumped into that he won't stop talking about??" I smiled. Nick seems to really like this girl although he wouldn't see it himself. Of course I agreed to help set them up. Nick deserves someone that'll make him happy.

Evelyn's P.O.V

After I left the bathroom I was just sulking in a corner. I looked up to see Mar coming this way. I was about to wave at her when I saw her stop to talk to a guy. I could hear what they were saying. I mean I wasn't trying to eavesdrop... "You're Brandon right??" She asked. He gave her a look and she returned it while saying, "I heard someone say it. Anyways, you know you're shorter friend??" He have her a confused look. "The one with the brown eyes??" He kept the look on his face. "He's.. white.. I think..." she said. He gave her another confused look then said, ".... you are aware that every member of this band has brown eyes and two of them are shorter than me. Edwin and Nick. So you only eliminated Austin and Zion." "Ughhhhh okie what do they look like??" She sighed back at him. He pointed at an obvious Mexican and the guy I like... Wait why is she asking about him.?? My ears perked up when she smiled and said " That one" while pointing at the guy I like. "Oh Nick! What about him??" Brandon(?) Asked. "Well... I'm trying to set him up with my friend!!" She said excitedly. OH MY GOSH!! She's trying to set me up with .. NICKK I guess his name is..! Hot.. I can't believe it!! I watched as he gave her a confused expression then said, "OHHH you mean that girl he ran into that he can't stop talking about??" WHAT?? He can't stop talking about me?? Then why does he act like that when he didn't wanna talk to me when I saw him earlier?? He must be shy... "He can't ?? Well that's great we should set them up on a blind date!" She said excited. YES DO THAT! I stopped listening to their conversation after that and went to dance. I'm so happy!

Brandon's P.O.V

This is great now Nick can have someone so when us guys go out he'll have something to actually talk about that makes him happy. I wonder what happened to that creepy girl he said he ran into. He's got to stop running into people. I saw Nick getting some more water and walked up to him trying to hide my happiness. "Why are you smiling at me like that??" He asked as soon as he saw me. Well shit... "Did that creepy girl run into you ??" I asked trying not to give me and that girls plan away. He looked around horrified, "WHY IS SHE WITH YOU??" He asked. "No, no. I was just wondering cause you still invited her even though you thought she was creepy. Just figured she'd come just to see you again..." I answered. He looked relieved, "Oh thank god. Yeh I ran into her coming back from cleaning that other girl up. She tried to talk to me , but I just told her I had to go and left." I thought back to when I asked the girl what that (Y/N) girl looked like to make sure it was that same girl I saw him run into. "Speaking of that girl, what's up with her??" I asked. He gave me a confused look, "what do you mean exactly??" How do I put this... "well... it seemed like you guys hit it off..." I started but he cut me off. "We just ran into each other. She was chill about it though," he finished. "Yeh you've gotta stop running into people," I laughed. "Oh Ha. Ha. Ha," he laughed at me. "Aye, you know that you run into people a lot and every one of them have been creepy fans or just creepy people," I stated. He smiled at the ground almost as if thinking about something in particular. "Yehhh.. but she wasn't..." he said barely above a whisper. I don't think he knew I heard so I played along, "what??" His head shot up, "oh nothing." I smirked knowing that he totally liked this girl. This is happening.

*Next Morning*

I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Nick was already up and staring at the ceiling in the bathtub. Whaaaaa?? I quickly pulled my phone outta my pocket and looked for that girls number. She gave me it so we could plan the blind date.

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