Chapter 8 :: The Party Part 1

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Nick's P.O.V

We're having a huge party tonight. I invited my baby and all her friends. It's gonna be amazing. It's almost time for it to start although a lot of people are already here. Even if it's late September and it's getting colder people don't really mind because we are in California. I've been waiting for my baby to show up. I miss her. I haven't seen her all day. I've been looking around in case I missed her. I was about to text her when I saw someone walk up to me. I didn't look up to them but then I saw something shimmering in the distance behind them so I looked up. Woah.... I couldn't stop staring at her. A smile spread so wide on my face without me even realizing. I heard the person in front of me trying to talk but I just pushed passed them and walked towards the love of my life in that beautiful glitter filled blue tank top and black leather jeans. Her wavy long hair flowing in the wind as she walks. The smile wouldn't leave my face. That's my baby. "You look sexy," I said to her. Her face turned to look at who spoke. She smiled really wide when she saw my face and bit her lip while her eyes washed over me. Smiling again she said, "how did I get so lucky??" I chuckled as I brought her into my body. "Please , I'm the lucky one," I said leading her over to the drinks. She's getting along with everyone so well. Brandon absolutely loves her and I'm just glad he isn't mad that we messed with him. She loves it when he shows her magic tricks.

Half way through the party (Y/N) went to go get another drink and she wouldn't let me go get it for her. My independent little beauty. Right after she left that creepy Eva girl came up to me. I'm not too happy that her and (Y/N) are friends because she still tries to get at me. "Hi Nick," she said. I'm pretty sure my uncomfortability was clearly shown. "Hi," I said. I looked over hoping (Y/N) was on her way back over but, she was laughing with Brandon about something. We made brief eye contact until he touched her shoulder and said another thing. I don't know why but that kind of made me jealous. I know he'd never try to take her from me but whenever anyone else touched her I get heated. I felt someone grab my arm so I looked foreword but it was Evelyn trying to kiss me. I snapped my head away really quick and gave her a 'are you serious??' Look. "I don't want you anywhere near me again," I said to her and walked away.

I grabbed my baby by the waste and held her close to me. I didn't want to be away from her at any time. Especially when Eva is around. She is so fucked up trying to kiss me when I'm with her best friend.


The party ended maybe an hour ago and I'm just playing Fortnite with Zion. I was having a good time until I got a text...


(Y/N): I'm breaking up with you.

WHAT?? Why is she breaking up with me ?? I don't understand we had an amazing night together. I guess Zion could tell by the look on my face that I was extremely upset. "What's up bro??" He asked me. I just realized I had gotten up from my seat and was staring horrifically at my phone. "Sh-She..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Woah bro you look horrible, what's wrong??" He asked getting up from his seat. "She broke up with me..." I barely got out. "WHAT?? How could she do that?? Why would she do that?? You guys are great together!" He yelled. "I know! But she wouldn't tell me!" I yelled back. "We are getting to the bottom of this," he stated gesturing for me to come with him. We went to walk out the door but Brandon stopped us with Edwin and Austin. "Where are you going?? Why are you all yelled??" He asked. "(Y/N) broke up with Nick and we're going to see why," Zion said and started walking again. "Wait what?? Brandon said following. "You Guy are perfect together!" Edwin added coming with. "I don't understand," Austin said tagging along.

We got in the car and drive to her house.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I'm beyond sad. I don't know why he'd do this. I really thought he loved me.

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