11. The day you made me cry

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"What colour?"

"Let's just do light yellow" Michael replied.

"Okay then" Luke said and smiled as he wrote that down in a notebook.

As Michael told, they were moving in together and were now standing in there small home. It was small but it was cozy and it's everything they've wanted.

"You coming to explore the rest?" Luke asked as Michael doze off staring at something.

"No I-uhhh..Imma just look around here first a little more, I'll be right by your side" Michael said as he gave Luke a soft smile.

"Alright" Luke replied as he walked towards another room.

When Luke was out of sight, Michael looked to the right.

Michael's heart started racing faster when he saw the balcony.

It was just there..

Michael stepped into the room and got closer towards it. He kept his eyes on the balcony.

When he finnaly got to the balcony, he putted his hand on the door knob.

At this point his heart was pumping so hard, he could hear it trough out his whole body.

Within seconds Michael was stood outside, hanging over the balcony.

"What are you doing?" Michael suddenly heard and stood up straight while turning to Luke.

"Just..looking at the flowers down there" Michael said as he walked passed Luke.


"For a pretty face like that you shouldn't have bangs Mike, go get some sleep" Luke said putting his hand on Michael's shoulder.

"No I have to pass" Michael said as he kept his concentration on his book. "You will, but now you need rest to continue tomorrow" Luke said.

"No it has to be now!" Michael said and shifted away from Luke's touch.

"Mike ju-"

"Get out!" Michael yelled at Luke. Luke took a step back. Did Michael really just yelled at him like that?!

Luke bit his lip as he walked out their room.

"Fuck!" Michael yelled in himself.


They fought and they made up. This made their bond stronger, because that same night Luke was wrapped in Michael's arms.

Michael was doing fine, but he couldn't sleep..

He kept thinking about stuff. He kept thinking about Luke.

"Michael" Luke whispered.

"Go to sleep Lu" Michael said.

"I could say the same to you"

Michael sighed.

"I can't"


"...because I love you"

"I love you too Mikey" Luke said and kissed Michael's neck.

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