The next day, I had Monster and Pain enter an empty classroom which I locked behind them. I didn't let them know it was me but I knew that they both knew it was me. How I got them into the classroom was simple.

I had their handwriting copied by Jeremy, a student in the second year who had this skill to copy anyone's handwriting or signature no matter how complex it looked like. He did it for a hundred bucks which I gladly gave him and he did the job perfectly. That boy was born a criminal I always say.

I walked to the security room and observed as they both sat down opposite each other calmly and were talking. I was happy I was the only one in the room so I put on the sound and listened to their conversation.

"Wait till I get my hand on that toothpick of a psychologist, I'll break him like his wet paper." Monster threatened me as I scoffed.

"Wow I'm sure he'll be so scared his mocking you now by rolling his eyes." Pain said sarcastically as I laughed.

"An envious sadist with a sense of humor, funny. Since your always so colorless that it affects your taste." Monster responded as I gave a pained expression.

That's gonna burn. I thought as I watched Pain fold his hands angrily.

"What? Cat's got your tongue or you just too busy wasting time." Monster said and then Pain then punched him before they both started fighting.

Both were aggressively strong, I'd say but Monster was violent and seemed to be winning. I quickly called security to stop those two from fighting.

It didn't take long that the guards entered and told them to stop but Monster was on top of Pain, punching him hard not minding he himself was bleeding.

"They're violent, put them down." I ordered from the mic and then the securities shoot both of them four times before they were weak and one more to put them to sleep.

I sighed because this was a totally failure and then took my book and wrote down my observations. I discovered there flaws and they didn't hate each other as they claimed too but just saw this need to be better than the other. In other words, they were competitive to be better than one another since they didn't have much external competition.

I sat down and then decided to try a more provocative way to get them to talk since being a nice person wasn't really what they needed. The only ones who needed it among the seven of them was Lust, Ghost and Joker even though he took it for granted.

A week had passed and luckily Monster and Pain cooled off in the isolation unit. Hades had still not been found but the school wasn't looking for him to send him back since they reported it wasn't the first or the eighteenth time his busted out of there. They just needed to monitor him to make sure he wasn't causing problems.

I was reading my report of Lust when Monster came in. He seemed pissed to see me but I gave the sweetest smile I could make since I was going to have a good day.

"Cum dumpster!" Monster said angrily as he dragged my collar but I raised my hands.

"Let's call it truce and forget about last week. How was your day?" I asked before he dropped me on my seat and sat down pretty pissed off.

"How about I put you in the isolation unit and you find out." Monster suggested rudely before he brought out some beer from his bag.

"Beer isn't good for a student."

"I'm a fucking adult. Don't push your luck princess." Monster said with an annoyed expression as I smiled. I packed up my files and then walked to the door.

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