Chap 5

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Chapter Five


“Straighten your back.”

I groaned.

“And stop looking down!”

I gritted my teeth tighter to stop myself from cursing him.

“You are like a walking stick,” he commented.

And that’s it.

I grabbed the thick book on top of my head and threw it on him with enough force to knock him down. Unfortunately, Athrun caught it before it could even hit his face. He threw it on the ground and looked at me with a glint of annoyance.

“Why did you do that?”

I put my hands on my hips and glowered at him. I have had enough! I do not want to follow his instructions anymore! I will not ask for his help anymore! All the things he asked me to do just don’t make any sense!

For example, why do I have to wear pink gown with laces tomorrow at the ball? Won’t a plain black gown be enough? Of all the colors, why pink? And why with laces?  

Guh! I hate pink clothes especially with laces!

“No, the question is why am I doing this? Why do I have to walk with a book on top of my head? It does not make any sense, angel! Why would Kim Bryan want a girl who wears pink gown and could walk with a book on the head?” I said without stopping to take a breath.

He held up his hands and rolled his eyes. “Hey, calm down. Honey, you really have to watch your temper.”

“If you don’t want me to freak out then don’t make me do things like this!” I took a deep breath. “First, you forced me into buying new clothes and accessories. And now you want me to straighten my back and walk straight with that damn book on my head!”

“Watch your mouth too…” he stipulated. He stretched out on

“To hell with my mouth!” I screamed to the top of my voice.

He put his hands on his ears. “Stop screaming! My ears have suffered enough! I won’t be surprised if one day I wake up deaf.”

I dashed toward the oak tree and leaned on it, trying to ease the pain from my back. Whenever I failed to straighten my back as I walk, he hit my back with the handle of his sword and asked me to walk from the start so now it feels bloody painful.  

I do not think he was trying to help me. I think he was trying to punish me who knows what reason.

“Does it hurt?” he asked. His eyes were suddenly weary.

My eyes flickered at him heatedly. “Why don’t you turn around and let me HIT you with the handle of my SWORD to my heart’s content and then you tell me if it hurts or not? When I have regained my lost energy I won’t just hit you!” 

In a heartbeat, he was already standing beside me, his right hand gently tapping my back. it was so light so I was sure he wasn’t trying to massage my back. And then suddenly, I felt something warm spread on my back and the pain vanished.

I was healed.

I glanced at Athrun questioningly. I could heal myself. But because I wasn’t able to collect some energy from murderous people because I spent my whole day with Athrun, I was forced to refrain myself from using my energies so that I could have enough strength in case someone asked me to fight him.

“Why did you heal me?”

“I did not mean to hurt you…”

“You did not answer my question.” I snorted and pushed his hand away. The simple touch of his hand on my back made me lose some of my energies. “You’re being too nice now. It scares me.”

Exceptional Prince: The Sacrifice (Athrun's Story)Where stories live. Discover now