Chapter 3

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Chapter Three



I wish shouting those words could solve my problems. I hated this feeling. Everyday I fear of the things that might happen if I failed in finding an angel or demon who would love me. I do not want to die yet. I wanted to have a husband and many children.

"I HATE BEING A DEMON!" I repeated. No one could hear me shouting in this place. All the angels were busy preparing for the grand ball. No one would bother go here in the garden except Ely who loved climbing her favorite tree.

I envy Ely for having Ethan who showered her with love and everything she wanted. I envy Quincy because she had Justin who was willing to follow her everywhere she goes. I envy Analee too. She had a loving husband, a jolly daughter and a charming son.

"I AM NOT A DEMON!" I shouted. I am just an ordinary girl who happened to have horns. I am nice; just do not piss me off because you will not like my viciousness.

"You are a demon," somebody said behind me.

I looked behind me and saw an angel leaning against the maple tree not far from where I was sitting. He was wearing a white polo and black pants, the usual attire of angels. Ethan, Justin and Athrun usually wore those things. What was with the white pole and black pants?

Demons wear anything they like.

"You are a demon," he repeated as he cocked his head to the other side.

'Why don't you just leave?' that was what I wanted to say. Why do I have the feeling that this angel was also born to infuriate me? The way he act and speak reminded me of my ultimate enemy, Athrun.

"You are an angel," I said instead. I do not want to start fighting with him in any way. Athrun as an enemy was more than enough.

"What is a demon doing in the angels' lair?" He smirked. "Why aren't they killing you? All the demons should die."

I thought I was lucky today because I did not see Athrun here in the castle. There was no one to enrage me, no one to make fun of me, and no tricky situations. But damn! I did not see Athrun but I met an angel who did not even bother to hide his distaste with demons!

Why can't angels just shut their freaking mouth and leave me alone? I had been nice for the past years so I do not deserve this kind of SPECIAL treatment from this angel! I do not want to hurt any angels but if they will keep on pissing me off, I will declare a war.

I stood up and gave him an evil smile. "Feel free to kill me."

He conjured his sword and bowed. "It's my pleasure killing you."

I conjured my sword too and scheme an attack by swiftly leaning a little forward at the waist. The angel stepped back to escape the attack and then conjured his own sword and stepped forward with a vertical overhead strike when my attack did not come.

Shit! I should not have attacked him! Kira would kill me for this!

Leaning back, causing the cut to miss me, I brought my blade up and attacked him from the left side. Using the back of his blade, he rotated his sword into a clockwise circular motion while stepping to his right and then grabbed my arm and positioned the blade of his sword near my neck.

That was a nice counter to my attack! Urgh! What was wrong with me? This was not the time for me to praise my opponent's attacks.

"You are no ordinary demon," he said as he leaned closer to me. "Your aura and life energy is more powerful compared to the other demons I have killed. Tell me demon, who are you and what are you doing here?"

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