A set of twin katanas lay in from her, another scroll, a piece of paper and a pandent. She first went for the katanas with a dragon and flower designs.

"Beautiful" she said running her fingers on the blade, they looked new like they had never sliced anything, again she found a paper with the katanas and read through it

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"Beautiful" she said running her fingers on the blade, they looked new like they had never sliced anything, again she found a paper with the katanas and read through it.

A gift from your father but never got a chance to use them

She folded the paper and placed it in her pocket and went back to the katanas, admiring them. A gift from my father she smiled placing the katanas on their holder behind her back.

Next she went for the letter and peadent but first read through the letter before opening the peadent. Her eyes welled with years as her eyes scanned thorough the letter, word by word. She ran her hand over her mother's hand writing.

She opened the pandent expecting to find at least a photo of her mother or father if not both but instead found it her picture when she was a baby. She sighed closing her eyes year threatening to pour, she took a deep breath and wore the peandent under her shirt, and placed her letter and scroll inside the bag. She looked back at the monument for the last time and descended the mountain.

Next Day

Akira woke up to an empty apartment, she looked around and surely Naruto was not there. She went to take a quick shower, fixed her hair then went to the kitchen for breakfast and tidyed up a little then went out on the training grounds where Hiruzen had said she would meet the first squad.

After a few minutes she came across one of the Jonin ninja of the the, the copycat ninja, Kakashi Hatake. She looked at him standing in the burials with flowers on his hand. Sure he sensed someone was behind him cause he turned to look at Akira

Akira only smiled at the man and continued on her way to where she sensed three types of chakra and she sure did recognise one.

"Akira-chan!" Naruto shouted running to his sister with a grin on his face "So your the genin that will be joining us today?"

"If she's here it means she's is the genin Kakashi-sensei talked about, baka" Sakura said standing close to Sasuke with a glare at Naruto.

Akira turned to Sakura who turned to look the other way. Then her eyes fell on Sasuke who looked at her with bored eyes. She was brought back by Naruto's grumbling stomach.

"Eh hehe " he laughed embarrassed with his hands behind his back.

Akira took out the three out of four apples she had brought with her and gave one to Naruto and the other two to Sakura and Sasuke.

"Eh Sensei said not to eat breakfast" Sakura said with a look but still looked at the Apple with hungry eyes, Sasuke on the other end didn't want to admit it but he was hungry.

"I suggest you eat, I bet you haven't eaten anything since yesterday" Akira said looking up at the older trio "If your having a training session you should eat something"

"I don't think Kakashi-sensi would like that" Naruto mutter giving the Apple back to Akira.

"Naruto eat the damn apple, you'll thank me later" Akira said almost wanting to glare at Naruto "Besides whose going to tell Kakashi-san about me giving you these apples "

Akira sat down on the grass with a sigh escaping her lips. She thought back to the items that her mother had left for her.

"YOUR LATE!" Akira heard Sakura and Naruto shouting at someone and it was probably Kakashi, she looked up at the two then at the parson they were yelling at and it was Kakashi.

He had a sheepish grin under that mask of his, he laughed nervously "A black cat crossed my path and had to take the long way" his hand moved to rub the back of his head.

Akira sweatdropped at the excuse. She sighed , shaking her head while listening to the two yelling at Kakashi.

"Okay then what you have to do is easy, you just have to take these bells from me" He said taking out three bells.

"Eh Kakashi-sensei why are there only three, theres 4 of us here" Naruto said gesturing to themselves.

Akira nodded with a raised eyebrow, Kakashi smiled under his mask "Then we'll just have to see everthing take place" He shrugged "Now let me finish. Anyone who doesn't manage to get a bell will not get lunch, you'll have to watch me eat lunch" The genins groaned while Akira smiled to herself.

"Let's hope that snack will hold us off" Sakura muttered under her breath, nit knowwing Kakashi heard her.

"The test starts now!" Kakshi said as three if the genins went to look for hiding spots while Naruto stayed back wanting to fight Kakashi bead on.

Akira groaned at Naruto's stupidity, she stayed close so she knew where teammates where that way she can talk to them with ease plus she can look out for Naruto.

She laughed when Naruto was defeated by Kakashi with a "One Thousand Years of Death" Akira have heard of it and it was hilarious watching it up close.

She looked at Kakashi as he sighed reading his book. She went to find anyone who was close to her and came upon Sakura.

"Hey Sakura-chan do you want to work with me to get the bells?" Sakura looked at Akira then at the path that Sasuke took.

"I have to find Sasuke-kun" She said then ran of, Akira groaned moving on to Naruto maybe he'll listen.

She jumped from tree to tree trying to find her brother and she came upon him hanging on the tree.

"Oni-san" Akira said cutting of Naruto from the rope "Come on, we have to work togather Naruto-kun "

"Uh uh, not today. I have to do this alone if I want to be Hokage" He said then ran off. Akira sighed looking down.

She took in search of Sasuke and Sakura maybe they'll agree. She found Sakura on the ground, probably under a genjustu but her eyes fell upon Sasuke who was stuck on the ground, she laughed hard as Sasuke struggled.

"Get me out of here!" Sasuke shouted moving his head.

"Oh Sasuke-kun you can atleast ask a little nicer" Akira said making a clone telling her to wake up Sakura as she delt with Sasuke.

"Can you get me out of here?" Akira shrugged.

"I was hoping there would be a magic word" She said bringing her hands togather.

"Can you get me out....please?" Akira grinned nodding at Sasuke.

"Okay" After bring her hand togather she slammed them down on the ground which cracked and spit out Sasuke "We have to work togather if we want to get thise bells from Sensei" Akira said looking at her clone that released Sakura from the genjustu.

"You'll only bring me down" Sasuke grunted.

"You really think so?" Akira muttered as Sasuke jumped away in search of Kakashi, while Sakura ran after him. A huge sigh escaped from Akira's mouth.

AKIRA SASAKI [NARUTO]Where stories live. Discover now