Chapter 1~ First Meeting

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Melody's POV

"Father? I have returned!" I called out into Stark tower as I exited the portal.

"Heeeey, Sweetheart... I didn't think you'd be back so soon," My dad said, scooping me into a hug.

"What are you talking about? It's been like a month," I said, really confused.

"Sweetheart, it's been a week," Dad laughed.

"Oh, right. I'm still running on Transmonian time," I snickered. I glanced over my dad's shoulder to find a strange array of people standing behind him.

"Dad, that's not nearly enough people for a party. Also, it's like 2 in the afternoon. Starting a bit early, don't you think?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Pumpkin, this isn't a party," Dad said, shifting uncomfortably.

"You didn't plan me a welcome home party? How rude," I smirked, waiting for him to continue.

"I would have if I had known when you were coming home. Anyway, these are... The Avengers..."

"I'm not following."

"So you know how I'm Iron-Man?"

"You did not join a superhero team. Dad, tell me you didn't join a superhero team," I said, my eyes widening.

"I may have joined a superhero team."

"I was gone a week and you made superpowered friends. Dad, I thought I was the only superpowered girl you needed!" I whined, joking.

"You are! You are, it's just that New York was attacked by aliens, and we really didn't have a choice-"

"New York was attacked by aliens? Dad, why didn't you call me home?" I asked, snapping out of my joking mood.

"You don't get to see your mom much and I didn't want to take that time from you both."

"Dad, I can visit mom whenever I want. I just don't because she's more absorbed in her work than you are and she typically ignores me. And I could have helped!"

"I don't mean to be rude here, but you couldn't have helped, Sweetheart. A battlefield is no place for a teenage girl," One of the men said and I scoffed.

"Sorry, what's your name?"

"Agent Clint Barton."

"Well, Clint, I'll have you know that I have been trained to kill since I was five, I have single-handedly taken out an entire army of giant alien orcs on multiple occasions, and on top of that, I made my own version of my dad's suit. So, yes, I could have helped. I'm not just a teenage girl," I told him, glaring at his which caused my eyes to glow.

"She's not wrong. Before she moved to Earth, her mom had her do all kinds of assassin training. And I'm still mad you copied my suit," Dad pouted.

"You watched me do it and you gave me your blessing!" I glared at him.

"A battlefield is still no place for a young girl. It's dangerous," A man with sandy hair and piercing blue eyes said.

"Life's dangerous. But that can't stop you from living. Also," I started before creating a knife out of nothing and slicing my own throat. "I can't die. But I appreciate the concern," I smirked. All around the room were looks of horror. All except for my dad who just looked annoyed and a little bit disgusted.

"Melody! I told you to stop doing that! Now you've got blood on the carpet! I already have to have the window fixed from when I was thrown out of it-"

"You were thrown out of a window?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was a whole thing. You missed a lot, Kiddo."

"It would appear so. Next time call me home."

"Fine, fine," Dad said, rolling his eyes at me.

"I'm sorry, did you just roll your eyes at me?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yeah, I did. Moving on, I should probably introduce you to everyone. You already know Natasha, and then there is Legolas himself, Clint Barton. There's Rapunzel who likes to go as Thor, there's the Jolly Green Giant, also known as Bruce Banner and then there's the Capsicle himself. Steve Rogers," Dad said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I love how everyone has a nickname except Nat," I snickered.

"Her superhero name is Black Widow and I would like to not be one of the men she eats," Dad told me.

"Fair enough. I'm Princess Melodonna Luna Stark, but you can just call me Melody. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other," I smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss," Steve said.

"The pleasure is mine. Now, did you get me what I asked for?" I asked my dad.

"No. I got Happy to get you what you asked for," He answered.

"Close enough!" I said, in my pursuit of the kitchen. I had me some monster slim jims to eat.

Steve's POV

"I didn't know you had a daughter, Stark," I said, as the beautiful redhead made her way out of the room.

"Actually, I have three daughters. Triplets. Melody's just the only one who lives with me," Stark corrected.

"Is what she said true? About her training and such?" I asked.

"Yeah. Her mom is kind of intense. The other two didn't have training like that but Mel's a little different than the rest of her species. The training gave her control of herself and made her life a lot easier."

"She's a lot like you," Bruce commented and Stark laughed.

"Yeah, she's my little spitfire. Plenty of sarcasm and spunkiness to go around, but she can be really quiet and sweet. It just depends on what's happening. Hey, Cap, are you ok? You kinda spaced out."

"Oh, I'm fine," I said, ignoring the fact that I was so attracted to the teen.

"Oh, I know that look, Cap. But you should know, Mel's only 16. Talk about a serious age gap," He laughed.

"She's only 16?" Clint said.

"That's because she's half Transmonian. They age differently than we do. Melody has looked 16 since she was 13 and will look 16 until she turns 20. And then she'll age normally for a little bit and then she'll stop. It's weird and I don't fully understand it. All I know is my daughter looked 5 when she was 7 months old." She's only 16. Snap out of it, Steve. This is so wrong of you, she's still a child. You should not be thinking of a child like this. You can't look at her hourglass figure or her beautiful face. You can't glance at her hips or her legs that seem to go on for miles. And you definitely can't look at her cleavage or her butt. You can't because she is still a child and it is so so wrong.

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