.two ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ʲᵉᵃˡᵒᵘˢ

Start from the beginning

"Shaksperian?" Max asked with wide eyes and a laugh

"Yeah like Romeo and Juliet" Dustin said as Clove awwwed

"Right" Max nodded along

"Star crossed lovers" Dustin started to list

"I got it" Max stopped him

"Hey guys! This was fun and all but ugh-" Mike began as he tapped his watch

"I have to go home" El said as Clove rolled her eyes

"We're almost there" Dustin said

"Sorry man curfew" Mike said as they turned to leave but were cut off by Cloves yell

"You know what? You two are real pathetic! Real assholes! Dustin just got home and wants to share his experience with us but all y'all wanna do is blow us off to go make out." Clove yelled as they both gave her a crazy look and were silent for a second

"Clove" El said with wide eyes

"Oh whatever Clove you're just jealous she's my girlfriend and not yours!" Mike shouted at her

"Oh yeah that's totally it, Mike. As if I don't have the most amazing girlfriend already but sure that's it, i'm soooo jealous of a relationship that doesn't give a shit about their friends anymore!" Clove yelled back at him as she turned around again to point a finger his way

"Oh right here you go again pulling that card on me, you know-" Mike began but was cut off

"Mike" El said as she tugged on his arm while Clove simple rolled her eyes and headed up the hill again with a hurt look, ignoring her friends we began to discuss Mike and El. Half way up Clover stopped as she felt the weird feeling in her arm again she grabbed ahold of it

"Will c'mon!" She heard Dustin shout causing her to look back and see a weird look on Wills face as he held his neck, his met eyes met with Cloves and she realized he was feeling the same thing she was

"Made it" Dustin smiled as they stood at the top of the hill

"Yeah only took five hours" Max rolled her eyes

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will asked as Clove looked over at him with a grin and swung her arm around the boy, who was now taller then her

"I'm so thirsty" Lucas said as he turned the container upside down and drank the whole thing

"Did you seriously just drink all of our water?" Max asked him

"Wow Lucas, what happened to 'Oh it's okay Clove, me, you and Max can just share to save more space'" Clove quoted him in her best accent possible, Lucas quickly spit some of the water back in the container as he offered it to the girls, which they simple rolled their eyes too

The five all began to put together all the pieces Dustin suggested they bring along. Once the machine was done it looked like a large phone tower, "Pretty impressive right?"

"Very impressive, see we didn't need Mike and El for this did we?" Clove smile up at it

"Clove" Lucas called out

"Yup?" she questioned

"You're starting to sound jealous again" he said as Clove shook her head

"I'm not jealous, Max, i'm not jealous" Clove said as she look over at the girl, "I just miss when we all could hang out."

"Hey I never said you were" Max reassured her

"Yeah but i'm not-" Clove began but was cut off by Dustin

"Ready to meet the love of my life?" Dustin asked them

"Okay sure" Max nodded

"Yeah" Lucas answered while Clove quickly walked over and wrapped her hand with Max's with a soft smile

"Suzie, this is Dustin do you copy? Over" Dustin asked into the walkie, this when on for hours and once night fall hit, Clove began to get bit by mosquitoes on her arm... she knew it had to come to a end sooner or later

"Dustin c'mon! She's not there!" Max shouted at him from where she laid on the ground next to Clove, who was in the middle of her and Will

"She's there alright? She'll pick up!" Dustin yelled back at her

"Maybe it doesn't work" Will sighed

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exists" Lucas added in

"She exists!" Dustin said back to him with a weird look

"She's a genius and she's hotter then Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect" Lucas said to him

"Is that so? Because I mean... Clove is just laid out right here" Max said gesturing to the girl who grinned up at her

"I mean yeah Clove is perfect but she's not like normal girl" Lucas said as Clove sat up

"I'm very girl" Clove said with wide eyes

"I-I didn't mean, I-" Lucas began but was cut off by Clove and Max laughing

"Relax, we were obviously teasing, Clove is clearly perfect as much as I am and Dustin's obviously lying" Max said as Clove slapped her arm slightly

"Dustin I believe you okay? I do but these mosquitoes are eating me alive" Clove said as she stood up

"We'll come back tomorrow and talk to her okay?" Clove asked as she hugged the boy

"Alright, thanks Clove" he sighed while hugging her back

"And hey, I missed you" she said while punching his shoulder

"You missed me? Like actually missed me?" he smiled as she nodded and grabbed Max's our reached hand

"See you guys tomorrow, get home safe okay? All three of you" Clove called out as she gave Will a quick peck on the cheek and hurried down the hill with Max by her side


clove really ended the annoying moments of mil**en, i homely do like Mike and El together aside from the fact they he controls that heck outta her but s3 them annoyed me sooo bad

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