Chapter 14 •SHOWCASE•

Start from the beginning

"No, they are flirting. Let's wait until it stops." Oliver nonchalantly said, wiping off his sweat.

"Oliver!" Gillian hissed. "This isn't the best time to joke!" She screeched.

"It's better than having everyone anxious about some old man being pissed!" The boy made a run to the house.


"Isn't that enough?!" Lucas furrows his eyebrows, agitated.

"We need it perfect! We push our luck on this! Do we dare to defy him?!" Yuugo clenches his jaw, trying to control his voice.

"He wants everything we can offer, and this! This is what we can offer!" Lucas finally exclaims.

"But we can do better, we have to do him a favor here! We had to----"

Lucas slapped Yuugo across the face.

"Why are you so bothered about this?" Lucas murmurs, sighing deeply at his words.

"We... Owe him so much." Yuugo's voice almost breaks.

"He... He got you Alive, he made me survive. All children were safer, hidden from the demons eyes." Yuugo puts a hand over his chest and clenches it with his clothes.

"We had to pay him back!" The man bursts.

"We had to show him what we can do! We are no hindrance! We are humans, we can do what he does, and prove our worth!" Yuugo continues, pain oozing from every syllables of his words.

"He demands not a payment Yuugo, but a home." Lucas says in his comforting tone. Soothing Yuugo's back in the process.

"I've known him longer than you did, i knew what he will say." Lucas opens his arms to hug Yuugo.

"I don't want him to be a god Lucas." Yuugo says near the other male's ear.

"I don't want him to suffer worse than i did." Yuugo choked out.

Lucas knows they both don't get to decide that.


The overdue arrival had finally come to a close in the most gruesome way possible.

It came with a heavy, dragging noise, as though something kept on scraping the nature floor harshly.

Everyone was all eyes and ears. They were frozen stiff and tense.

The boss was fast approaching.

But upon all surprise, they had to witness some gore.

A man with a white cape and demon mask walked inside the hide's entrance with a demon at hand.

Archduke Lewis??!!

The children from goldy pond gaped. The other children scurried away, turned their heels for their houses to take refuge. Hurrying on their pace, footing almost slipping in panick.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Ray demanded angrily, getting his gun and bullets ready.

A bunch of humans emerges from behind the assumed Boss. Two girls, one with an eye patch and dogs and the other carrying a bat with spikes. A boy was chewing on the insides of his cheeks walks beside the two girls.

The girl with the bat snarls at Ray and the Boss hushes her down.

"Relax Barbara." A high pitched voice chirps. "Ray is just wary of you."

The boss turned his head to Lucas who bows his head and Yuugo quickly dips his.

"Rope." The boss started, gaze never leaving the man.

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