
"Ah, Makuu, you're here!" Basi greeted.

Makuu, however, was unconvinced by the hippo's optimistic demeanor. Not only that, but no one was in the water. Basi was perched on his usual rock, but every other hippo was huddled in their own little group, far away from the water.

"Basi, what's going?" Makuu asked, eyeing the area as he waded into the water and swam over to the lead hippo.

"I'm glad Beshte passed on my message."

"Yeah, he did. So, let's stop beating around the proverbial bush and get to the point of why I am here."

"Ah, yes," Basi said nervously, then cleared his throat. "Now, about that..."

"I don't have all day, Basi," Makuu interrupted, his patience wearing thin. "Just spit it out already! Is what you have to say really all that difficult?"

Suddenly, somebody started laughing.

"Still the same old boy I once knew, but now, as Leader of the Crocodiles!"

Makuu froze. He recognized that voice, but he didn't want to believe it.

No. He...he can't be back! Not after all this time, he just can't!

The crocodile felt a body press against his. It was scaly, like his, and felt very muscular, even more than his own body did. Although, there was a roughness to the scales, not like his smooth ones. That's because the scales that were touching him were aged, scarred, and tattered, belonging to someone much older than him.

"You know, it's not polite to not make eye contact when someone is talking to you," the voice muttered in Makuu's ear.

"Since when did you start caring, Kellan?" Makuu snarled, lifting his gaze to stare his father in the eye.

Despite the many years that have passed, Kellan still looked about the same as he did the last time Makuu saw him. Only, slightly older.

"My dear boy, I have always cared," Kellan replied, his voice sounding bittersweet.

"Really?" Makuu questioned, not swayed by his father in the slightest.

"Yes, really. I have always cared about you."

"And mom?"

"What about her? She betrayed us, then left us. There's nothing more to say. Should there be?"

"No, I guess not."

Makuu eyed his father. Kellan was acting weird, even weirder than what Makuu would consider to be normal for his father. He knows that he can't trust Kellan, but he has no clue what to do about him.

Why is he even back in the Pridelands? I mean, he can't possibly be here for Kiburi, could he? But, how would he know if Kiburi is here or not? He doesn't know what's been going on since he was banished! Then again, it doesn't matter what he does or doesn't know now. Kiburi and his float are here in the Pridelands, and if Kellan's to find out about them, or even about the two of us...


Kellan's voice snapped his son out of his trance.

"I...uh...need to go somewhere, actually," Makuu replied quickly. He tried to leave, but Kellan wasn't letting him go that easily.

"Nonsense! Whatever you have to do can wait," Kellan dismissed, much to Makuu's chagrin. "I know my arrival is unexpected..."

"And unwanted."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that, but it doesn't mean you have to leave so soon."

"Actually, it does!"

Makuu attempted to break free of his father's hold, but Kellan used his strength to keep him in place.

"Come now, son..." Kellan attempted to get through to Makuu, but it wasn't working.

"Don't you dare call me that, Kellan!" Makuu snapped. "I haven't been willing to stay your son ever since you went insane and nearly destroyed the float! You think I wanted to see you in that state? I wasn't going to stand by you, not after all you did!"

Makuu was waiting for his father to defend himself with some weak excuse of an argument, but Kellan didn't open his jaws. He floated silently, still holding onto Makuu, whose scales were prickling uncontrollably.

How am I supposed to get away from him? I need to warn...

"Makuu? You here?" A raspy voice called out. The speaker sounded all too familiar to Makuu.

Kiburi! No no no! Oh, this is so not going to go over well.

A minute later, Kiburi appeared from behind the rocks that lined Big Springs.

"Makuu, where are you? Hodari said you would be..."

As soon as Kiburi laid eyes on Makuu and Kellan, he froze, the clear scent of shock and fear radiating from his scales. Makuu could only hold his breath and dread what would happen next.

Outlawed In-laws (A TNC Novel)Where stories live. Discover now