I'm not really good at social interactions.

Start from the beginning

"You know I'm not really good at social interactions." I said and I was getting impatient when he wouldn't move but he let out a laugh before starting to move forward again.

"So about the holding hands, can we do that? I'd like to be the one that gets to hold your hand?" He asked, nervous again and I looked at the road with a small smile while I thought it over. I was taking too much time to think about it according to Luke because I could see him becoming impatient.

"Holding hands is something couples do." I noted and he let go of his bike with one hand to scratch the back of his neck, something he always does when I ask him the questions that make him nervous. "We're not a couple."

"We could be." He mumbled and a smile formed on my face before I looked at him shortly.

"I atleast expected you to ask it during a date, maybe with like a promise ring or something." I said with a grin and it was fascinating how when he started to get nervous, I only got more confident. There was something about seeing him become nervous because of me, that made me feel good. It was new and refreshing to be the one that made the other nervous. I'm so used to it being the other way around.

"I- I'm so sorry, just ignore all I said and I'll do it right again. I'm so sorry Alice." He said so rushed and I let out a chuckle.

"It's alright Luke. I'll hold your hand when we walk through the hallways and I'll sit by you in class and during lunch." I said and there was a moment of disbelieve in his face before it changed to pure happiness and the biggest smile.

"Okay" he said and the same smile stayed on his face before he became quiet. He started humming along to happy songs and I listened with a stupid smile that matched his and I waited until he would say something else but he stayed quiet. Quiet and happy.

We reached school not much later and as always, we were still rather early but he knows how important it is for me to be in time, to be there when the hallways aren't crowded yet. But most of all, I didn't want everyone to look at me when we walk in late, I didn't want them to look at me more than they already do.

We both placed our bikes in the stall before he looked at me, nervous but happy. "So you're really okay with us holding hands?" He asked again as he scratched the back of his neck again.

"Yeah, like couples do." I said again, now nervous too and he hestitated before walking towards me and taking my hand in his. "So what are we?" I asked as soon as we started walking towards the building entrance, his slightly sweaty hand around mine but he was holding onto me with just the right amount of pressure, giving me the comfort of holding his hand but not too much pressure.

"Will we go out after school tonight? I know a new good place." He asked and I laughed softly while I looked up at him.

"That's not an answer to my question." I replied while a laugh still left my lips and he smiled while shaking his head.

"I'm gonna do it the right way, so do you have time to go out tonight or not?"

"We have a literature test tomorrow, Luke. I still have to study." I said and he gave me a pout but I shook my head with a soft laugh, "And then we have geology the day after so we'll just see when it fits?"

"Yeah we'll figure it out." He said and I nodded before I released his hand for a second to put on my headphones before we walked into the hallways. I tried not to look down for once, I tried to see the way people looked at me, I tried not to crumble when people stopped their conversations and looked at us before looking at where our hands connected. But I couldn't do it, I looked back at my feet and the ground in front of me. When Luke noticed, he squeezed my hand softly and bumped his shoulder against mine. I smiled softly before looking up at him, my green eyes connecting with his blue ones and he smiled too. "You're so damn beautiful."

I felt my cheeks heat up instantly and looked back down to my feet to try and find the courage to say something back. "You're so damn handsome." I said back and he laughed softly before looking ahead of him with the biggest smile.


It was pitch black outside and even though it was nearly freezing, my window was open on a crack so I could hear Luke playing his guitar. My curtains were closed so I couldn't see him, but I knew perfectly how he was sitting. He always sat on the window sill, his back leaning against the side of the open window, his guitar partly hanging outside and his hair messed up because he would run his hand through his hair a thousand times while he messed around with lyrics and chords.

His music had stopped several minutes ago so I assumed he had went to bed, after all it was 11:45pm and he wasn't as interested with getting good grades as me.

"Alice." I heard Luke yell and I wanted to ignore it, I wanted to focus on getting my work done but when something kept hitting my window repeatedly, I got up from my chair and walked over to the window. I pulled open my curtains but was faced with a dark room. "Down here." He said and I looked down to see Luke standing there, holding a few small rocks in his hand that he probably got from his driveway.

"Were you throwing rocks at my window? It's almost midnight Luke." I whisper-shouted a little annoyed and he just had the biggest grin on his face. "You're going to wake my mom up."

"I was going to wait until you were done studying but I don't see that happening anytime soon sooo" he said before picking up the snowball he had laying beside him and throwing it to where a sensor was placed to turn on the lights. He missed it terribly the first time and I laughed softly while I leaned through the window and watched him. He was standing in the dark but his eyes were still shining and his smile was so contagious. "Give me a second." He said before he just ran over to activate the lights that lit up the two pathways next to our homes.

"What are you trying to do Luke?" I asked and he just pointed to where he was standing earlier and the biggest smile formed on my face.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' was written in the thin layer of snow and I looked at Luke who was waiting there so hopeful.

"Just give me a minute." I said to him before taking a step back and closing the window. I picked up my sweater and quickly threw it on before trying to make my way downstairs as quiet as possible. I took the keys from the kitchen table before going outside wearing a sweater too big and shoes that belonged to my brother.

"I thought you turned me down for a minute." Luke said with the biggest grin. I walked over to him to where our backyards met and he still seemed so nervous yet he knew my answer already.

"You would wake up my mom and brother if I didn't come down." I said and he laughed so softly while he nodded, "Yeah."

"Yeah what?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a confused look on his face.

"Yeah I'd love to be your girlfriend."


Writing this is so different compared to what I've written before but I love it a lot.

Let me know what you think so far ♥️

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