Chapter 27: More Chill

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Me and Frank decide that we should probably go and tell some people, so I send a text to Mikey, Andy, Gerard, Pete and Poppy to meet us at our new apartment.

"Frank, what are we gonna do about school?" I ask and he strokes my hair. "Don't worry, babe. We only have half a year left anyway." he smiles at me and I do the same back at him.

Once everyone is here, its time to explain everything. I'll let Frank do that.

"Umm, hi guys. I-"

"Hayley, are you pregnant?" Poppy interrupts Frank and everyone laughs.

"No, I'm not pregnant."

"Anyway. Me and Hayley are moving in together."

"Aw that's adorable." Gerard adds and I smile at him.

"Not only that... But, we're getting married..."

The whole room goes silent. "You're what?!" Mikey gasps and I frown at him. "We're getting married, Mikes." I repeat Frank. "Have you told mom and dad?" he adds and I shake my head. Just as I'm about to say something else, Gerard walks towards me and hugs me. "Congratulations, sis!" he pulls away and smiles at me with tears in his eyes. "Gee, what's wrong?" I giggle and he wipes his eyes. "I'm just so happy for you. I can't believe you've grown up this fast." I hug him again "Shut up, Gee, you sound like mom."

As much as I love my big brother. He needs to calm down.

A few hours later, after we've sat and watched the first two Harry Potter movies, Poppy goes out on the balcony. I assume something is bothering her so I follow.

"Hey, Poppy... What's up?" I smile at her and she runs into my arms, bursting into tears. "Oh god, Poppy.." I look down at her sleeve that has risen up on my arm and see something marking her wrist. She sees me looking and covers it up. "Hayley... I'm sorry... It's just everyone being here like this... I can't help but think about Kyu... Please don't tell Frankie. I had a bad day and wanted to join Kyu in heaven..." she cries into my chest and I stroke her hair. "Oh, Poppy. It's okay. I know how you feel. Some days I just want to leave it all and join Oli. It will get better... I'm always here for you." I smile at her and she looks up at me. "Thank you, Hayley. You really are the best thing that ever happened to Frankie. All I want is for him to be happy."

Me and Poppy stand outside on the balcony, looking over the city and talking about things. "You know, I really hoped me and Kyu would get married one day. We've been together since way before high school. He was Korean. He even tried to teach me Korean this one time. Let's just say I can't speak Korean" she giggles and I join her. "Girls? Everything okay?" Frank appears at the door behind us and I smile at him. "Yeah, we're fine." he grins at me. "Okay. Love you both." he says and goes back inside, shutting the balcony door behind himself. "Can I just say, I'm so happy that you're getting married. Before you met, Frank was really taking the wrong path. He got into some pretty heavy drugs and some really stupid girls. You've helped him a lot, Hayley. Thank you so much." she says and tears form in her eyes again.



Sorry this chapter was kinda boring and stuff. I thought I would calm it all down before the next bit of drama. Also I'm sorry for the depressing bit with Poppy. I just realised I hadn't really added her feelings about the whole Kyuhyun thing. I'm drafting a couple of chapters tonight so Miss Way will be updated more frequently. Thank you for 800+ reads omg! xD

-Evelina xo

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