Chapter 5: Meeting Mr Sixx

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Since our sudden outburst of passion yesterday, me and Frank have been getting along very well, so much so that I decided I would go to band practice with him today. It's a Saturday so not many people are still here, I would go and visit Mom and Dad but then I'd have to take Gerard and Mikey with me. Speaking of Mikey, I wonder how he is?

We walk down the street, holding hands to the studio where the guys practice. When we walk in we see the four other boys that turn and gasp when they see me and Frank together. "Frank, why did you bring my little sister here, and more importantly why are you holding her hand?" Mikey growls at Frank "I told Hayley that she should come and watch today, and to answer your question we are dating now." are we? I didn't agree to this. "I'm your sister, so stop talking and start playing guitar." I always have to have the last word when it comes to Mikey. I scan the room for Gerard, and when I see him he is sitting on the red chairs in the corner of the room with another guy. I walk over "Hey, Gee" "Hayley!" he beams at me, how very unlike Gerard. "Hayley, this is Andy, Andy Sixx." the young man next to him stands up and I stare at him, wow, he's hot. Gerard totally scored high there. I wink at Gerard and he instantly knows what I'm thinking and winks back at me "Miss Way" Andy holds out his hand but I ignore it and hug him. "It's lovely to meet you, Andy, call me Hayley" I grin at him and he smiles politely back.

After the band practice me and Frank walk out, he looks exhausted. "Are you okay, Frank?" I ask, slightly worried "Haha, I'm fine, it's just tiring going over those same songs everyday. You seemed to be getting close to that Sixx guy though." he raises an eyebrow and I sigh at his comment "Andy is with Gerard, anyway I thought we were dating now, according to you" he smirks "That can be your reward for your little performance yesterday" I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder.

*Hmm...I wonder why I made a whole chapter about Andy ~*

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