Chapter 1

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Kara's POV: 

"Alex today is the day. I am going to do it!" I said to my sister as I shoved a donut in my mouth then grabbed another to put in my free hand. 

"What? Confess your love for Lena?" Alex said as I gasped and stared at her in shock. 

I pushed up my glasses and looked at her with crazy eyes. I had obvious feelings for Lena but they were none of her concern. "What?! No! I'm not in love with Lena we are best friends and that is it." I huffed and then continued, "Today I think that I am going to the adoption fair." I smiled and perked up. Just shrugging off the conversation that she was about to start. 

"Like adopt a puppy? I didn't know that there was an adoption fair today." Quizzically Alex stepped towards the counter and poured some coffee into a cup. 

"That sounds amazing and all, but today is the adoption fair for children. You should come with me. Foster a kid. I know how badly you have wanted to be a mom and all. Maybe you can bring Kelly, put some ideas in her head." 

"I'm sorry Kara but it is too soon. I love Kelly; I want to be with her so bad. I just don't know if a kid is in question right now. We aren't even married which is way down the line. Not yet. Even though I also really want to be a mom." Alex looked saddened at the mention of having a kid. I hope that Kelly wants to have kids. I mean from what Alex told me when she was trying to adopt was that Kelly was really supportive. It would crush her if she didn't or even if they split up though.

 "Isn't that going to be a little much for you? With two full-time jobs and all?" Alex continued ceasing her own thoughts about having a kid. 

"I... I uh think that I can handle that. I mean the most heroic thing that I have done lately has been saving this little boy's pet raccoon. I didn't even know raccoons could be domesticated. I need to do this for myself, Alex. I have put a lot of thought into this. And I mean a lot!" I started to pace the room, getting nervous but more confident in my words. I knew that I needed to do this for myself, but what if it isn't the right decision? Maybe I am making a mistake. I mean how could I take care of a kid and still save the world as Supergirl. Maybe Alex is right. Maybe it is too much. I stared at the floor as I continued to pace and think all at once. Alex was mumbling something, but I paid no mind. My thoughts were troubling me, to say the least. 

"Hello??" Alex was now in front of me waving her hands, "Earth to Kara??"

"Huh," I looked up biting my lip pulled out of my thoughts. 

"I have been talking to you for like 5 minutes, you nodded but no response. Everything alright? You got a little mad and then just shut down on me. You don't get to do that okay? I just want you to be sure before you jump into anything. Didn't mean to psych you out." Her eyes softened and concern was all that shown through, not the look of frustration that she had when she first started to talk. "Foster a kid if it feels right to you. Just make sure that it is for sure what you want."

Letting out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding, I spoke with a little more confidence. Alex's words did psych me out but they also lifted me up. Literally, I literally hovered out of excitement. "It's right, it feels right, seems right. I am going to go through with this. I hope. There is a little boy or girl or boy out there who needs me and I will not let them down. Kara Danvers will not let them down!" 

"Didn't know that we were talking about ourselves in the third person now but love the enthusiasm. Now go find your kid, Kara!" My sister said gripping my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. "I have some things to handle at the DEO. Aliens and all. Let me know how it goes though. I plan on being the best aunt ever! Bye, Love you!" She then walked out of the door with a smile and I nodded giving her one in return. 

"Alright time to find the best outfit to impress these kids!" I let out a heavy breath and speed changed given that I had only 15 minutes to get ready and be down to the foster home at the time that I planned to be. I decided on a light blue short sleeve collared button-up with jeans and a brown belt, brown flats, and my gray checkered pea coat. I quickly cleaned up the mess of clothes that I had made and was out the door and to my destination with 5 minutes to spare. 

<> <> <> 

I walked out of the alleyway and down the street. In front of me stood a fair size building that had a small playground built on the outskirts around it. National City Foster Care Service. The door is right there. All I have to do is open it. I'm going to do it, yes I am. Yup, here it goes. Why am I not moving? All of a sudden my mouth got dry and I couldn't move. Instead of opening the door, I just stood there and listened to the children inside. Some laughing, some crying, others just keeping to themselves. It all became so surreal. I can't do this alone. 


Thank Roa she picked up! 

"Kara, is everything okay?" Lena's soft voice sounded through the phone instantly calming all the nerves in my body. 

"Yeah, yeah. Um... uh... better now that I am talking to you." The smile on my face could not be masked, I am sure that the other woman had heard it through my voice. 

"Are you sure, you sound a bit, tense darling?" 

"Yeah..." I sighed shaking my head, "no, I'm not sure. Could you meet me somewhere? It's pretty urgent." 

"Yeah, where would you like to meet? I have a meeting at 12:15 but it should be over no later than 12:35. Would that time be good or should I cancel it?"

"That time sounds great actually. No need to cancel your meeting on my account," Not really the best but I can work with it. Glancing down at my watch, I discovered that it is only 11:50. I will have too much time to talk myself out of this. Great Roa! What am I going to do? "Um..." This is on the corner of Division Street and National City Blvd. Okay, maybe that is a little too precise. Ooh donut shop, perfect. Now that will occupy my time for about 15 minutes. Maybe I can find a cat stuck in a tree or something. Be a superhero. "Just meet me at Noonan's in downtown. I could really use a friend right now. I have a big decision and I do not want to make it alone."

"I will be there, see you at 12:45ish?" 

"See you then." 

Now what to do with all this time... 

"Oh, and, Kara?"


"Is everything okay?"

"It will be."

"Alright, be there as soon as I can. Bye."

The line clicked and the call ended.

Now what to do with all this time...


For those who have read this already and wonder about what changes I am making in a rewrite:

I didn't change too much in this chapter. Some changes of grammar were added or dropped here and there. The only big change is the fact that Lena doesn't know that Kara is Supergirl yet and you all will see why I did that in a future chapter. 

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