#10 - uncle might

Start from the beginning

"Look at me Uncle Toshi! I'm a lion!"

It was the birthday of a little six year old girl. The date was July 15th and she had gotten a lion onesie.

"I'm gonna pounce on you!" She young one attempted to be threatening, but of course that could never work out,

"Y'know y/n, when lions pounce, they do it sneakily, behind their prey's back so that they don't know that they're there."

Her eyes sparkled in bewilderment,

"Okay, so when you're not looking Uncle Toshi, I'll POUNCE on you like a lion!" Y/n added little pouncing actions with her tiny hands to enforce her statement. All the man could do was giggle at her antics.

"Sure you will, Kiddo. How about if you do I'll get you lunch, alright?"

Y/n fist bumped the air, "Yeah!"

~end of flashback~




She still hasn't gotten that lunch.

Almost every time y/n gets the chance she would 'attack' her Uncle. And that would lead to her being thrown in the air. Literally. Like Team Rocket from outta Pokémon.

She's now 16.

Now was her chance. Yeah, taking the advantage of him not being able to go into his All Might form anymore could be considered cheating... But she wasn't going to forget about that lunch.

She smiled at the thought of it.



The whole lot.

No WAY was she going to miss an opportunity like this.

The look on her face currently looked like she was just astounded my the fact that All Might is at UA.

With this thought, Bakugou had a shit-eating grin on his face. Little did the Bakusquad know that it was not the case at all...

She sped walked towards the man before running towards him. Making her footsteps as light as possible. She jumped on to the shoulders of the shoulders of the poor man.


"AHA! Gotcha old man!"


"You owe me lunch!!"

"That was 10 years ago!"

"You think that time will make me forget a deal of food? Ha! Fool." At this point Toshinori had accepted his fate and casually held onto the ankles of the girl so that she didn't fall.

"I'm telling your dad."


Their bickering all came to a stop when Toshinori turned round.

The faces of Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and especially Bakugou were priceless.

This obviously lead to y/n having a laughing fit. But of course, after she let go of her paining stomach from laughing too hard she leaned back a bit too far.

Toshi did not feel like falling over on to the dirty floor and could already tell that this was going to happen eventually. So he simply let go of his niece's ankles for her to flop down behind him.

"Okay, now I'm telling dad."

"That what, you jumped on to my shoulders to get food then fell off because you laughed too hard?"


"Anyway," The skeleton man grabbed y/n by the back collar of her blazer, like an animal being carried by the scruff, and placed her back on to her feet.

"Your class is going to figure out eventually so all you need to know is that I've known y/n her whole life because her dad is my best friend. It also pretty much makes me her Uncle, but not blood related."

It seemed like every time someone was with y/n, something very interesting would happen. Would that be, standing up against the 1A hothead or finding out that All Might is her uncle???

"Dude, I literally just sorted it out after Zashi hugged me so much," y/n was trying to sort her hair back into place after Toshi had the ruffled it throughout his quick, little speech.

"Also, do you mind not telling everyone so suddenly? It would be... rather... uhhhh... hectic."

Before anyone else could say anything the former hero spun back around, turning y/n around by her shoulder as well and started to walk off,

"We have some ground rules to set so I'll see you kids when I do." He said while waving, not even glancing behind him.

The two were talking in the teachers lounge, All Might informing that Bakugou also knew the secret about One For All which did in fact take y/n by surprise. He asked her what she wanted for lunch when they were both free since he didn't want to go back on his word. This obviously made y/n delighted and her mouth watered just thinking about the ramen she could have. They talked about life in the city, Toshi's quirk that had now worn out and y/n showing him the picture of her, Hizashi and Shota.

She was just about to leave when her uncle called out to her, "Hey, y/n?"


"When I eventually teach your class you can call me Uncle Might, okay?"

"Wait, really?" she raised and eyebrow and tilted her head, "Y'know I can just call you All Might..."

"Nah, it just wouldn't feel right. You're family and it just seems a bit too formal... I mean it's only my hero name but using the same name my students call me? It wouldn't fit right." By now he was smiling down gently at the little girl. Her eyes beaming with joy after hearing his words of acknowledgement. She liked feeling wanted by others and she loved her uncle so much so this made it quite special...

"Also I want everyone to know how much of a great neice I have!" He boasted while ruffling her hair. A bit more gently than last time so she wouldn't have to spend as much time fixing it as before.

Y/n giggled at her Uncle's antics, "Yeah, yeah, alright Toshi." She smiled and waved goodbye as she headed towards class.

Uncle Might. Yeah. That sounds right.


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