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This BOY :"))
Also read until the end I have something important to tell y'all
It's finally your 18th birthday and since you're from a wealthy family, your parents decided to make you a big birthday party for you in the big mansion that you live in but you didn't want all of that so you told them that you only want to have a small party and invite only your best friend but they insisted on their idea and in the end you had to go with what they said.

Your mom went all out and bought an expensive dress for you and hired a hairstylist to do your hair. The stylist just finished doing your hair then she left you alone to soon go down and meet with whom came to celebrate your birthday but before you do that, someone knocked on your bedroom door

"Come in" you yelled for them to hear you

The door opened shortly after and you saw your best friend's head pop up from behind the door.

"Is the birthday girl ready to head down?" Yangyang said while smiling at you

"Yes but come in first" you happily told him and he made his way to you "how many people are downstairs?" You asked in a worry

"Um about two thousand people I think," Yangyang said laughing after seeing your shocked face "Just kidding, I don't exactly know but all I know is that there's a lot of people"

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Well I hoped it does but I guess no" Yangyang shrugged his shoulder but you looked down after his sentence so he tried to make you better "come on you shouldn't be down it's your birthday, you get to taste some of you know, booze" Yangyang nudged you and wiggled his brows at you which caused you to crack out a chuckle

"Okay but promise me you'll drink with me," you said before giving him your puppy eyes

"Sure, I've been wanting to since I turned 19 last month but I wanted to wait for you"

After that little chat between the two of you, you decided to finally go down and try to enjoy your birthday party. As you walked down the stairs with Yangyang beside you a group of people waved at you, they are your and Yangyang's friends, the two of you walked to them and on your way, some people stopped you to wish you a happy birthday until you got to your friends

"Well if it isn't the birthday girl" Hendery, one of your friends said greeting you with a warm hug which led to you hugging the rest of them

"Your dress is stunning and you look beautiful tonight" Lucas complimented you after seeing what you're wearing

"Thank you xuxi" you thanked him pinching his cheeks "all of you look good too, wearing suits" you complimented each one of them while pointing at them, they all thanked you then they laughed together

"Should we go and have some drinks?" Lucas asked and everyone happily nodded at him

There was a table full already filled glasses of various kinds of drinks, everyone grabbed a glass and you lifted up yours

"Cheers for my birthday" everyone's glass made a click sound when they made contact with one another and everyone also cheered then drank from their drinks

As the alcohol made contact with your tongue your reaction was immediately disgust but after a couple of sips you enjoyed the taste of it, you looked at Yangyang and saw that he had the same reaction as you

"I was excited to taste it but it wasn't worth it, it tasted bad" Yangyang looked at you after putting back his glass back on the table "but why not take another one" he grabbed another glass of wine and drank it in one shot, everyone laughed at him before you decide to join him

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