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"Can you just stop drinking already, I'm not ready to take you home by myself" you said to your almost drank friend Ten trying to take the glass from his hand

"I nEEd to forgET HEr!" He shouted so you can hear him over the sound of the blasting music in the bar

"She left you a month ago and you're still struggling to forget about her, drinking won't help you" you shouted back

"ThEN what?" He asked you

"Let's get out of here first I'll tell you when we get home" you said standing up to drag Ten of there.

You walked him to his car before entering the driver seat to drive to his house. You got there and dragged him to his house then to his room, you made him sit on the bed before going to get him some water. He drank it all and put it on his night stand

"I'm listening" he said looking back at you

"We'll go on a small tour around seoul so you can have some time without thinking about her, I know it's not the best idea but let's try it" you said making him think about it

"What if i start thinking about her?" He asked

"Then fuck you and her, I'm done with you" you said and he just stared at you before speaking

"I'll try not then" he said laying his back in the bed

"Okay, I'm going home you aren't that drunk right? You can take care of yourself?" You asked and he just nodded his head, you bid goodbye before leaving. You made it safely to your house.

> Next Day >
You got ready for the day with ten, you went to his house, he was ready so you two starts walking around Seoul.

"So where do we go?" ten asked you and you just stayed silent for a second, the an idea popped in your head

"Let's go to the dog café, dogs will help" you said and pulled ten with you to a nearby dog café.

You walked in with ten and there was a lot of cute puppies playing around with their owners and others with other dogs, you made your way to a table. You and ten ordered some drinks, soon a cute little pup came to your table, you kneeled down and start patting his head, you took him and made him sit on your lap. You found a small toy and you start playing with little pup

"Aww look how cute" you said to ten and he laughed at you, you gave him the pup and he starts patting him.

"I have to take a picture of you two like that" you said pulling out your phone and snapped a picture. You showed it to ten and he laughed.

You finished your drinks, played with the little pup and patted some other dogs for the last time before walking out the cafe

"So what's next time?" Ten asked

"Let's go shopping" you said walking away from ten, he sighed before catching up to you, he still can't get her out of his mind.

You walked to the shop looking for dresses, you saw a short white dress with mid sleeves and you wanted to try it, you walked to it leaving ten behind again

"Ten, ten come here" you called ten and he came to you

"I want to try this one" you told him before going to put the dress on.

Minutes later, you walked out to ten and his eyes got wide

"How do I look?" You asked ten before giving him a twirl

"I didn't know that you can look beautiful" ten said looking at you from head to toe

"I'm always beautiful" you said flipping your hair

"So do I buy it?" You asked him putting your hands on your waist

"It made you look beautiful so...." he said

You decided to buy the dress, then you pulled ten to where male clothes are. You made him look for some clothes. After hours, you two finished shopping. You looked at the time to see that it's 4 pm.

"Did this help at least a little bit? You still think about her?" You asked ten, he nodded slowly and you sighed

"It's okay we still have time but where do we go now?" You asked

"Amusement park?" ten said and your eyes lit up

"Oh yess!! let's go" you said and ten locked hands with you and starts walking with you, you felt your face heat up but you ignored it.

Ten bought the tickets for you before walking to one of the rides, you told him you want to go on roller coaster. You took a seat and so did ten he set beside you, you got comfortable before the ride starts. Everyone in the ride starts screaming including you and ten on every twirl the roller coaster does. Minutes later, it came to an end. You and ten got out of the seat walking away

> Time skip >
Getting on almost every ride was fun, you and ten laughed together all the time which is good. Hopefully he didn't think about her when with you.

Ten took you to place where fireworks are gonna go off, you two set on one of the benches staring at the view. After some moments of silent, you turned to ten and start looking at his features. God he's so handsome from the side. That's what was going through your head at that time, ten noticed your stares so he turned to face you, you locked eyes with him before he looked somewhere else. You decided to break the silence.

"So.... did today change something? You weren't thinking about her all day right?" you asked him but ten stayed quiet so you nudged him, he turned to you and sighed.

"I did all of this for nothing?" you shouted at him

"All the fun we had today wasn't good enough for you to forget her? why are you like this? she doesn't deserve you anyways, you deserved better" you said but ten stayed silent again, you sighed before getting up.

"I did my job here, you can't forget about her it's not my problem anymore, enjoy suffering then" you lastly said before walking away from him but he stopped you and pulled you closer to him so your bodies are touching, he stared at you in the eyes your faces were an inch or two away.

"Ten what are you doing?" you asked him feeling your cheeks burn

"I lied" he just said

"Lied about what?" you asked confused

"I wasn't thinking about her" he said before getting silent

"Then..." You said feeling irritated

"I was thinking about how am I gonna do this" he said before leaning in, your eyes were looking in his wide open before feeling something on your lips.

Ten kissed you and fireworks shined behind the two of you making the moment feel like a drama scene. His lips were soft on yours. You kissed him back and closed your eyes feeling the moment, loving the moment but soon ten pulled away and looked at you in the eyes for a moment before speaking again.

"Y/n?" he whispered and you hummed as a respond.

"Thank you for today, I feel better not thinking about her, you made me feel something else, today was like a date for me, to make things easy and short I want to ask you-" you cut him off with a kiss again this time passionately before mumbling yes between the kiss. Ten felt happy because you two share the same feelings and you helped him get out of his depression.

After 2 minutes, you pulled away from the kiss and just locked eyes with ten both of you smiling

"I love you" ten said

"I love you too" you then hugged him tightly..


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