Moving In

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"Mom!" Mmm. "Mom!" Lovelie snores softly and rolls onto her side. "Hey! Get your lazy ass up!" Slowly, her eyes begin to open. "Huh?" She pops head from underneath the covers. "Get the fuck up! I don't have all day." She rises and observe her surroundings. It is her home indeed, but she doesn't remember letting anyone stay the night. Forgetting what was going on she glances towards her children; whom are up and full of energy. "Aye!" A smile spreads across her face."Yeah yeah whatever." Her eyes widened as she focuses on the familiar face. "H-how did you get in here?" She stammers as she speaks. He replies to her a question with a unsatisfied expression. "Who couldn't get into such a raggedy place?" He says."Excuse me? You have some nerve." His eyebrow twitch. "Is this how you have your kids living?" Sunlight grace his features. She took a minute to analyze his face. His hair as black as ebony, flawless light sun kissed skin, pink plush lips,and slim eyes, brown like coffee. She lets her mind wander off. After a few minutes she comes back to reality. "Hey! Get out!" Immediately she gets up and run towards him. "That stuff is personal." A smirk plastered itself onto his face. "And that isn't?" He says while pointing towards her body. "Aaahh! Don't look!" A blush adorns her cheeks while she grabs random pants and a shirt. "I'll be right back! And don't touch my kids!" Her voice becomes distant as she runs to the bathroom.

When she exits the bathroom, which is about two min later; he starts to pack her stuff! "What are you doing?" She shrieked. "Packing your stuff. That's obvious." Once again he rolls his eyes. "Remember you belong to me now. I let you come home to pack. Instead you fall asleep." Her vision becomes blurry, and her small hands ball into a fist. "You just can't claim me or my kids!" Dark brown orbs shift direction. He stares at the children for a brief second. "I said nothing about your kids." "What?!" Her voice cracks and her body trembles. "Fine, your kids can come." "It doesn't matter. I'm not going with you anyway." He raises his right eyebrow and reaches into his back pocket. He pulls out a gun and put it to the side of herhead. "We can do this two ways. Either or is easy for me. I can kill you right here on the spot or you can just come with me. Your choice." His mouth formed a thin line. His stare deep and intense. "You wouldn't." Bang! "Aaahh!"

"Haha! This is fun. You're so stupid." Evil laughter erupts throughout the room. And crying babies not to long after. "Open your eyes." Hesitantly, she responds. "No." A sigh escapes his lips. "Don't worry, I shot it five centimeters away from your head." She opens her eyes and walks towards the crying babies. "Shut up! You guys wanna be next?" He gives them the coldest glare. The boys lip starts to tremble. "Ba-ba!" His sister comes to his defense. "Did you just yell at me." "Da!" The baby girl points a finger at him. Turning towards Lovelie he speaks again. "What's you answer?" Her weight shifts to her right leg. "I have no choice but to come." Auzsa walks closer and strokes her face. "That's a good decision." An evil grin adorns his beautiful face. "You pervert!" With a rough push, he falls off the bed and goes back to packing. They spend less than three hours packing their clothes and toys. They don't have much.


After driving for about thirty minutes the car came to a stop. "Come on." "Where are we?" "My place." He goes to the back of the car to grab the bags. "I got the bags. Take the kids." Grabbing the babies she followed him to the entrance of his house. "This is nice. Very modern." Analyzing the structure a lump forms in her throat. "Yeah." Was all he said as he unlocked the door. Woof woof! "Ooohhh! Mom!" Kaori pointed down at the big Akita. Woof! "Calm down Pochi." He says while rubbing the dog's stomach. "Come on." He leads upstairs down the hallway and made a couple turns. "Here." He opened the door revealing a luxurious room. A king sized bed with a black pink and white comforter set. Realistic cherry blossom trees painted on the wall. A flat screen tv, desk with a computer and baby toys with its own bathroom and a walk in closet. "Why did you do this?" Her eyes sparkle with amazement. "I didn't do it for you! It's just that you are of some use to me." He walked in and placed the bags next to the closet. "Put the kids down." She did as she was told.

The babies looked around with their eyes. Then they walked around. "Do you like it, brats?" "Ae!" He nodded knowing that they were satisfied with his work. He picked up a toy that sings the hiragana vowels when you shake it. "Look!" He shook it and it sang, "a, ii, u, e, o." He picked up another one and shook it. He sang with it, "ka, ki, ku, ke, ko."ba ba!" The babies clapped their hands and ran to go play with the toys. "What do you mean that I can be of some use?" His eyes shifted towards the girl. "Why must you know everything?" He crossed his arms. "I'm not going to become your play toy." Rolling her eyes she pouts. "Haha! You don't look like you would be able to handle me. I'm not interested in little girls anyway."

Her body is quite tempting, those long brown legs, the curves and her chest. But I'm not that low. "Fine let me put it this way. You can help the Kaminoikari." "The gang?!" Didn't tell her? Hmm, He thought he did. "Yes, you dumbass!" Smack! He gives a good smack on the head. "You're pretty sexy even though you are a child. The people that I need info and stuff on are all pedos. You can extract their information and report back to Kaminoikari which is me. Or the head of the Yakuza which is my grandfather." Can she really remember all of this? Shifting her eyes towards the ground and back up towards him. "Will they rape me?" An uncomfortable silence fills the air. "No. I'll have somebody watching you." She mouths an 'o'. "How?" Leaning back towards the wall he replies. "Like how I did recently. I stuck a small camera and gps to your kids. I'll just put one on you." She nods. He knows this is going to be hard for her. She's scared. "What about my kids?" Glancing towards her babies. "They can stay here but, when you're working they'll stay with my mother." She nods. "And school?" "Most of my 'clients' are active in the evening." Nodding again, she takes in the information. "How will I pay for my food and clothes for my kids if I can't go back to work?" Tears threatened to fall once more. "I called your job and told them you quit. As for the rest I'll take care of that."

She's brave for just trusting me like this. It's not like I'll do anything to her. He thinks to himself. "I'll pick you up and drop you off to school everyday." "No!" Stomping her foot she pushed him away. "Why not?" This girl is strange. "The kids will call me a whore again." She says while hanging her head, "Fuck them! If they cause you any trouble call me and I'll put them in their place." Her nose scrunches and her eyes shift towards the left. "But I don't have a cellphone." "I was getting there. Here." He hands her a cellphone. "It's my old phone. My number is on speed dial as number one. Call me if anything happens." She nods and takes the phone. "Your personal life such as friends, boyfriends and such are none of my business unless they seem suspicious." She meekly nods again. "No one must know where you live. I don't care if you tell them I'm Kaminoikari. You're report cards will be mailed to my parents house." He steals a glance at the babies. And then back to Lovelie. "Okay." She really is scared. What should I do! Hmm.. Gently I embrace her. "It'll be okay." Gently, he strokes her hair. "B-but you're scary." Is that what she thinks of me. For some reason knowing that makes my heart hurt. "I promise that everything will be fine." That is my promise to her. "Ae!" They turn around and look at the babies who are dancing. "Come on, I'll take you guys out to eat." "I'm fine." She says meekly. "Are you rejecting my kindness, girl?" "No." It comes out louder than she expected. "Then let's go."Putting on a smile; he grabs the babies. "Let's eat you brats." The babies looking up at the mysterious man and giggle. "Ae!"

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