The first day

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Lovely's POV

It's my first day back at school. I'm happy that Azusa changed his mind and let the kids go to daycare. "Lovelie!" Someone's calling my name. "Huh?" Oh no it's Ryo Kazehara, the schools number one bully. "Is it true that you're dating an older man?" What the hell is he talking about? "What?" He smirks at me. "Shouta saw you coming out of your rundown apartment with boxes. There was an older guy with you." Whaat?! Is he talking about Azusa? "No!" He laughs. "You're a whore! Hey guys she's a whore!" I get all types of stares. Everyone's laughing at me. "Shut up, Kazehara!" I feel something warm on my chest. Looking down I see Ryo's hand. "You like this don't you Lovely?" "Stop!" My fists begin to tremble. I can't... I don't want to end up 'there' again. "You like it." He smirks. Shoving him off as hard as I could I run to my class.

Azusa's POV

"What the fuck do you mean he's still alive? Forget it, I'll kill him myself." Sighing I run my fingers through my hair. On the other end of the phone my friend is being stupid. "You fool!" I should kill him as well. "Bye." I tap the end button but, my phone rings again. Who could it be? "Hello?" "Is this Azusa-san?" A woman's voice? I've slept with many women but I don't remember her voice. "Yes." She exhales. Was she aware that she was holding her breath? "My name is Totsuka Minami, I'm calling from Eiichi's academy." huh? "Eiichi"s academy?" I repeat. "Yes, Kaori-chan and Keisuke-chan's daycare." oh...that place "What's the problem?" On the other side of the phone I hear crying. "Keisuke-chan has a fever." "So?" The crying in the background becomes louder. "You need to come take him home and get him some medicine." Really? That damned brat. "I'll be there in ten minutes." I'll give him a good lecture when we get back.

In ten minutes I arrived at the daycare. Walking up to the secretary I put on a fake smile. "I'm here to pick up Keisuke from room seven." Her eyes roam all over my body. "Oh yes, it's down the hall. The last door on the right." "Thanks." She nods and returns to her typing. I arrive at the classroom. "I'm here." I look around and there's a whole bunch of brats. But, in the middle there is one of my brats. That Kaori, she's surrounded by boys. She's attracting them at one years old? Damn. "Oh! Azusa-san." "Yes?" Minami walks me over to a crib. There's that brat, Keisuke. He's crying. Minami picks him up. "Look Keisuke-chan, daddy's here." Daddy? "Wait I'm no-" "Ae." He reaches his little arms towards me. That cute little face. Reluctantly I grab him. "What's wrong?" I ask. He just buries his head in my shoulder. "You should take him home and give him this." She gives me a little bottle with pink stuff in it. "Sure. I'll take Kaori too." She nods. "Kaori-chan!" Said baby crawled this way. "Look Daddy's here." She said it again! "Da da!" It's going to be a long day....

I walk into the house. This ruins my plans for today. I had to call Hiroto so he could do my job today. I was looking forward to shedding some blood. But no, I'm stuck with two babies. Placing Kaori on the floor I give Keisuke his medicine. For some reason once I held him he stopped crying. "Baaa.." He truly is sick. He looks terrible. My heart hurts a little. It makes me sad to see him like this. I look over at Kaori who's watching tv. She laughs at the funny parts. I pick up the sick child. "You poor thing." Softly I kiss his cheek. "Don't worry I got you." I hold him close and rub his back. "I got you." I sigh. "Da da?" "Hm?" He holds on tighter to me. "What?" I hear nothing but soft breathing. He's sleeping. "Come on Kaori-chan, nap time." She shakes her head and I lay Keisuke down. "Come on, I'll sleep too." Hesitantly she crawls to me. After five minutes she's asleep. Soon my eyes become heavy and I too fall asleep.  

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