" umm… Could I see your wrist? "

Jeongguk was about to question for what but that would sound so dumb since he already knew the answer.

" Sure. "

With movement that almost looks robotic, he stretch his left hands for the person to look at but before the other could touch his wrist, he grabbed his wrist.

" What's your name? "

" Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.  "

Even his name is beautiful. Tf—

" Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongguk "

Taehyung stared at Jeongguk's wrist and Jeongguk who was trying to stay cool, smile rather stupidly at Taehyung who was trying to not make it obvious.

" Let's us see at the same time shall we? "

And Taehyung nodded.

Kim Taehyung
67 years 239 days 7 hours 27 seconds

Jeongguk smiled in relief looking at Taehyung's wrist. His heart feel all warm and he felt like giggling for fuck sake.

But Taehyung, as much as he wanted to. Couldn't feel relieved looking at Jeongguk's death timer.

Jeon Jeongguk
2 years 5 days 1 hour 49 seconds

His heart stopped at the sight of the digits. He could feel tears brimming in his eyes. But he just couldn't bring himself to tell Jeongguk when he sees how happy he was.

" You'll live for so long! I couldn't wait to be grandpa together "

Jeongguk laughed and Taehyung laughed too even if his heart ached. Because it's going to be okay. Taehyung will make sure of it.


Taehyung was so damn happy when he's with Jeongguk but when he caught a glimpse of the writing on Jeongguk's wrist he just couldn't stop the tears from gathering in his eyes.

He doesn't want Jeongguk to be worried so he never once told him the truth. He believed he could change Jeongguk's fate. He have to.

After 2 years, the day he was waiting for had arrived. Jeongguk was too young. Doesn't have any diseases. So it's most likely an incident.

Taehyung could prevent Jeongguk's death

Jeon Jeongguk
2 hours 3 seconds

Taehyung gulps down his strawberry milk nervously. 2 hours to go. He and Jeongguk were both on the street, just taking a night walk.

To be honest, he really doesn't want to leave their house, which is the safest place they could've been.

But today was their anniversary and Taehyung just couldn't bring himself to refuse Jeongguk's devastated look. So with his anxiety and worries eating him up, he gave in and agreed with whatever Jeongguk was saying.

He could felt Jeongguk's gaze on him. Digging into the back of his head. It wasn't a surprise. Jeongguk must be worried because he was acting weirdly.

Jumpy and avoiding eye contact. Even idiots could tell that he was nervous.

Taehyung has never been good at hiding his emotions. His face and behavior shows it all. That's why he is terrible at lying.

" Are you okay? "

Jeongguk's sudden question almost makes him jump out of surprise. But he did flinch. While swearing at his own stupid behavior, he looked at Jeongguk with a smile that looks so awkward.

" Just peachy "

His answer was not convincing. He could tell from Jeongguk's face that he clearly didn't believe what Taehyung had said.

But Jeongguk never ask more that than. He was understanding and not the kind of person who would force someone to do something they don't like. Well, if you pissed him off, that's a different matter.

Taehyung focused on not acting awkward which as he expected was failing rather pitifully.

But you couldn't really blame him. His soulmate is going to die today for fuck sake. It's up to him to change Jeongguk's fate.

His stress and anxiety increased every second. His mind overloaded with the possibilities of what could kills Jeongguk.

He was being so cautious. Eyes darting everywhere and pulling Jeongguk away from anything that could possibly cause his death.

He almost slam against the passerby but he couldn't care less. Jeongguk's life was his priority.

Jeon Jeongguk
10 minutes 2 seconds

Taehyung was now biting his nails while looking around. Cold sweat dripped down his face as his fear grew every second.

He tried to calm down his raging heart and with a restrained smile, he answer Jeongguk's question about his well being.

Jeon Jeongguk
47 seconds


Taehyung couldn't find what could cause Jeongguk's death. He's running out of time. Jeongguk's voice was completely unheard now. He felt his hope and energy draining.

He felt like he was drowning. He was having trouble breathing. His eyes blurry and he felt like water kept on rushing into his mouth.

The seconds were counting down loudly in his mind.

No not like this. He must save Jeongguk. He must prevent Jeongguk's death. But what is Jeongguk's death cause?





" Run! There's a car going out of control! "

Almost on instinct, Jeongguk was about to push Taehyung away but before he could do that he found himself falling onto the ground.

He looked up in panic and found Taehyung staring at him, he was standing not too far from him but far enough for Jeongguk to not be able to reach him.

The car was behind Taehyung. Too close. But Taehyung was still looking at him. His wrist to be exact. It feels as if his heart stopped beating when he realized it.

Jeon Jeongguk
72 years 52 days 21 hours 12 seconds

Taehyung smiled when he saw the numbers.

(a/n) sorry for not updating. I've just finish my exam and will start writing again and updating as much as I can next week. Please point out my mistakes

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