Chapter 17

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Ethan's P.O.V

"Ethan. It's for you." I heard Frankie say. Wait. Oh god. If it's for me then that means "Grayson." I said out loud after heading to the door and now face to face with him. I'm not ready to face him right now. His words from earlier come rushing back.

"Can we please talk?" He asked but really it came out more like a desperate plea.

"Uhh.." I looked around frantically and I saw that the boys were all motioning for me to go with him. I never gave them the details from earlier. I can't help but wonder if they'd still be feeling so enthusiastic about us talking if they knew. Who am I kidding? It's Grayson. Everyone loves him. Of course they would still want me to talk to him. I must have been taking too long to respond because Frankie grabbed both Grayson and mines wrist. Unfortunately I pulled away immediately and cowered, clearly startled. Grayson noticed. He always does.

"Woah man, take it easy. I was just gonna bring you both to the balcony to talk." Frankie said with a slight confusion to his voice.

"Is that okay?" Grayson asked almost startlingly me just as much as Frankie had.

I gave in, nodding timidly in agreement.

I moved to side letting Grayson lead the way.

"You okay?" Grayson genuinely asked as soon as we made it outside and the doors were closed behind us.

I kept my focus on my feet and shook my head no slowly. Next thing I knew Grayson's finger gently touched my chin in an attempt to get me to look at him but I flinched away.

"Wow. I hurt you that much that you flinch when I touch you now?" Grayson's voice had an edge to it.

I slowly looked up as I fiddled with my fingers not knowing what to do with my hands. I made eye contact with Grayson. There was a pained expression to his face.

"Ethan. I'm so Fucking sorry. If I could take back this morning entirely I would but I can't so I'm here to apologize."

Wait, he wants to take back this whole morning?! Was I really that much of a mistake to him ? There was so much passion. Did I just imagine it ? So I interrupt his "apology."

"Was I just a mistake to you ?"

"What?" Grayson says in genuine shock.

"A test run?" I continue.

"Ethan just let me-"

"Did you ever fucking care about me at all?!" I ask now feeling heated.
"I mean you said it yourself. We're not a thing. It was stupid of me to think we were but I at least thought I fucking. Meant. Something! You're not even gay for fucks sake and deep down I knew that but I stupidly chose to ignore it because I'm so goddamn in love with you. But you know what Grayson. I could've lived with you not loving me back. But what you didn't have to do was pretend that you did. So save it Grayson. You don't have to break up with me, because according to you we were never together in the first place." I didn't even realize I was crying until Grayson was on me in seconds cupping the side of my face wiping my tears away with thumbs. I want to push him off and run but i melt into his touch immediately.

"What the fuck are you talking about Ethan? I- I know I messed up so fucking bad but where is all of this coming from?"

"Wha..what do you mean you said you wanna take back the whole morning... this morning meant a lot to me Gray. I only dreamt about being that close to you for years." I say sniffling heavily.
"Oh Fuck." Grayson says under his breath.
"I don't want to take that part back E. I did not mean that part at all. This morning was so special to me. No ones ever made me breakfast in bed before. Or woken me up like that for that matter" Grayson says with a slight chuckle.

"So what part do you want to take back then?" I ask still afraid to hear his answer.

"The part where I'm a complete dick and don't acknowledge that I'm seeing someone. I never meant to hurt you. I was just really confused."
"About me?"

"No. No no no. Ethan being with you is the only thing I'm sure of. I just didn't know we were official and honestly I don't even know if I'm fully gay or not but there is absolutely one thing I know for certain and that is that I'm in love with you. "

I pulled away from our close embrace and stared Grayson down. I read his face. He's..serious.

"You what?"
"I love you."
"I love you Ethan. I'm in love with you."
"Grayson this isn't a funny joke" I say in obvious disbelief.
"I'm not fucking joking Ethan. You want me to prove it? Watch. I GRAYSON BAILEY AM IN LOVE WITH ETHAN GRANT!" Grayson screams at the top of his lungs while still on the balcony. Grayson looks at my current state of shock.
"Still not enough for you then? Okay." He swiftly pulls the balcony doors open and screams to the boys.
"Guys I'm in love with Ethan! Head over fucking heels!"

"We know. You just screamed it for the whole campus to hear." Andrew said without hesitation

I scan the room beyond Grayson and sure enough all eyes are on me. I bring my focus back to Grayson as he makes his way toward me. He slowly lifts my hand to his face and kisses the back of it once softly, that kiss clearly carried deeper meaning.

"Ethan Grant, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

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