Chapter 16

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Grayson's P.O.V

I leave Morgan in a huff and race to leave my apartment complex. He couldn't have gone too far so soon could he? Why did he have to hear me say that. No why the fuck did I even say that at all?! That was so stupid. I may not know what we are but I know I want Ethan. It's my birthday for fucks sake. All I wanted was to be with Ethan today. That should've been my main give away. I just had to fuck things up per usual.

I sprint around the corner of my building and there's no sign of Ethan. Man that boy walks fast. What now ?

A thought pops into my head so I quickly pull out my phone and searched for a number I hadn't used in years. I call it without a second thought.

It rings three times before I'm greeted my a confused "Hello?" on the other end.

"Grayson? It's been so long. I'm surprised we both still have each other's number. Wait is Ethan okay??" She asked, desperation laced in her voice.

I froze. If she's asking about Ethan that means he hasn't called her. I can't go through looking for him all over again.

"Grayson! Earth to Grayson. Are you there !?"
Cameron asked sounding even more frantic than before.
"Um. Yeah.. Yeah. I'm here."
"Is. Ethan. Okay?" She said more as a demand.

I hesitated. Again.

"I fucked up Cam." Cam wow I haven't called her that in years. I haven't even spoken to her since sophomore year. I guess if Ethan can find it in his heart to forgive her and confide in her, so can I. But really, what other option do I have right now?

"What do you mean? You're really starting to worry me Gray. Please just tell me Ethan's okay."
"Oh no no, he's perfectly okay physically. Fuck, at least I hope he is-"
" Grayson fucking spill it already!"
"Shit. Sorry. I um..hurt Ethan pretty bad with something I said today."
"Oh...well what did you say?" Cameron asked sounding taken off guard but relieved.
"It's a long fucking story."
"Well I've got time."

Okay just man up and tell her I thought I exhaled deeply.
"So. It all started after Ethan got into a car accident-"
"Gray. He told me about the attack. We're the only ones that know."
"Oh..huh he really trusts and loves you then."
"You know Gray, a long time ago I fucked up with Ethan too. I didn't realize how hurtful I had been as quick as you but I sulked and regretted it almost every day. I never did anything about it. He forgave me and I was a complete piece of shit Gray. He called me last night and told me about you two. By the way I'm happy that you two are a thing now"

I cringed at her last sentence. Why couldn't it have been that easy for me to have realized?

"He's head over heels for you. All you have to do is apologize which I already know that's your plan because I know you love him. If he can forgive me for treating him like shit for years then I think he'll forgive you for messing up once."

I was shocked. This is the last thing I expected from Cameron when I called.

"Thank you Cam. I have to go.. but thank you. Really."
"Oh and Grayson I've been meaning to tell you, I know by hurting Ethan I hurt you too. So I'm sorry. So sorry. But thank you so much for taking care of Ethan for me. You're good for him and you'll treat him right, you always have."
"Anytime Cam."
"Good luck. Oh and one more thing. Happy birthday." She said sincerely
"Thank you Cam." And on that note I ended the call.

There's only one other place I can think of where Ethan would head first. Time to make my way there.

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