Chapter 8

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Grayson's P.O.V

It had been over a month since Ethan's attack now. He's doing a lot better.. I think. He doesn't want to talk about it at all now and refuses to tell anyone but me. Which is fine that's totally his decision but he's lying to everyone, our best friends, teachers, his parents. He told them he was in a car accident to explain the week break, broken bones and heavy bruising which is still healing by the way. My god, I still can't believe there's a person out there who could be so heinous.

Sorry I'm getting off track here. It just seems to me like Ethan's trying too hard to believe his own lie. It's the story he sticks to even when talking to me. He's still sleeping in my bed which is the only time he allows himself to be vulnerable anymore. He won't let anyone but me touch him and I mean anyone, we have a touchy feely friend group. He chalks it up to still being in pain from the "accident".

Ethan was the type of person who valued his alone time. He didn't get a lot of it so when he did, he enjoyed it. Now he absolutely hates it and I can't blame him. He spends all his free time in the cafe where I work or my bed with me. Not that I'm complaining I love Ethan and I'd be lying if said it wasn't nice knowing he's okay. We cuddle regularly now, it really helps Ethan sleep, more importantly it helps him stay asleep. He'll still wake up with the occasional nightmare but they're nowhere near as bad now. But I have to say I find myself enjoying cuddling with Ethan. He's warm and soft and he plays with my hair which helps me sleep. At first I thought it'd be temporary but now I've noticed I've grown to crave it. To crave Ethan ? No that can't be right I must just like the company. Ethan's my best friend of course I'm not gonna mind.

I'm snapped out of my thought by Ethan walking through the front door of the apartment. He puts his bag down and takes his shoes off immediately.

"Hey Gray."
"Hey E. How was your day?"
"Not bad I only panicked once today." He said with a small genuine smile which had been happening more and more lately. God did I miss it.
"That's awesome." I said knowing that that was a huge improvement for him.
"Why'd it happen though."
There was a long pause.
"I um. I ran into Morgan today. She tried to hug me."
"Morgan?? My ex Morgan?" I asked in shock, he avoided my gaze.
"She's in town for a few days visiting family. Her break is before ours. She asked about you. A lot. Said she even texted you too.." Ethan trailed off.

"Oh" that was all I could bring myself to respond with.
I hadn't thought about Morgan since the summer after senior year. I'd moved on well.
It felt odd knowing she was in town. We didn't leave things on the best terms but they were nowhere near bad. I wonder why I hadn't seen her text. Then I thought about it, besides talking to Ethan I hadn't done much responding these days. Sure enough when I checked my phone I saw that I in fact had a text from Morgan.

"Hey Grayson, I know it's been a while but I'm in town for a couple of days. I'd love to catch up. XO- Morgan"

I looked up to ask Ethan a question but he had already retreated back to my room. Huh. I wonder if I should respond. What harm could meeting up do?

"Hey Ethan told me he ran into you. Long time no see, it'd be nice to catch up."

There I sent it. Okay good I don't regret it yet. This won't be too bad. We'll just talk. It'll be fine. It wasn't even two minutes before a notification went off on my phone. Of course it was from Morgan.

"Great! Meet me at our spot 2pm Sunday. See you then :)"

Why would she want to meet at our spot ? If we're not an us anymore does it still count as ours? Oh well. This is gonna be interesting

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