It's the 1950's [Harry]

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[Warning: Slightly graphic. The random use of the word nigger. You may or may not die]

[I got this from the Emmett Till case. Not exactly the same though]

[I was going to post, Niall’s. But I have to edit it]

Harry: You’re startled awake when your bother comes running in, yelling something you quite can’t catch. “Get out pest” You hiss, throwing your large pillow at his smirking face. “Mama said get up before she get you with a switch” He sings, taking to climbing on the bed and jumping. “She said you gotta walk to school because dad left early to work and I have a dentist appointment. Get up!”

He tumbles to the floor when your foot makes contact with his leg, swiping it out under him as he goes down with a yelp. He sits up, looking quite confused as you laugh. “I’m telling ma” He suddenly yells, scrambling out your room as he yells for you mom.

With a sigh you throw the heavy cover off you, shivering when the cold air makes contact with your warm body. You grab your towel and clothes scramble to your bathroom. After taking a shower you dry off and slip into your full knee length skirt and fitted blouse. Taking the curlers out your hair, you brush them out, styling them to how you want.

Coming out the bathroom you almost have a heart attack, the tall man in your room smirking at your scared form. You scowl at him, going to scold him until he walks across the room. Pressing his lips to yours soundly.

“What the hell, Harry?!” You whisper harshly “You could have gotten caught” He shrugs as he takes a seat on the foot of your bed, watching as you put your makeup on.

“Did anyone see you?” You ask, looking at him through your vanity mirror. “No” Was his simple reply as he watches you finish getting ready. “You look beautiful” He says on you stand straight, walking to where he was to slip on your shoes. He stops you with hands on your waist. He sits you down on his lap; he leans in and presses his lips against yours again; playing with the buttons of your blouse.

“H-Harry, stop” You groan “We need to get to school” He mumbles something incoherent as his kisses move down your neck. He flips both of you over, laying you down on the bed as his long fingers unbutton your blouse, his kisses slowly move down to your chest. “We don’t have to go to school” He mumbles against your boobs and you shake your head. You succeed on pushing the heavy man off your body.

He gives his complaint as you fix your blouse. You hop off the bed, swiping your backpack off the ground. “Come on” You sing at his pouty face, lacing your hand in his you tug him out the room and down your spiral stairs.

The first thing you see when you walk out into the Mississippi summer air is a group of white girls across the street from you, glaring at you and your intertwined hands with Harry. When you recognize the face of Tiffany, the daughter of the leader of the KKK; you quickly drop Harry’s hand.

You curse under your breath as her and her group comes slinking towards you both. “Harry” She purrs, placing a hand on your boyfriends arm “[y/n]” She spits and you take a small step away from, Harry.

“What’s this?”

“Nothing” You reply quickly and she smirks “Oh? So why were you to holding hands?” You both shrug as you drop your eyes. “Are you sure there isn’t something going on? Because I’ve hear rumors that you both are dating. And you both are holding hands. Is it true?”

It’s silent for a moment before; Harry reaches out and grasps your hand. “Yes, we are” The gasps are audible as their eyes are trained on your intertwined hands. “But, you can’t!” She protests “You’re white. And she’s black” He shrugs and her face takes a dark look “Oh, well that’s too bad” She sneers. She calls to her group and they trail behind her, whispering loudly.

One Direction Preferences [Interracial; Editing]Where stories live. Discover now