Song Preference "Dollhouse" By Melanie Martinez

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~Okay so, this is my first time trying this, so be nice pweez. Honestly though, you need to listen to this song. Although I must say it's very dark and slightly depressing, and that is exactly why I love it~


Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls

We'll be a perfect family.

When you walk away, is when we really play

You don't hear me when I say,

"Mom, please wake up.

"Dad's with a slut, and your son is smoking cannabis"

Your daughter leans against your bedroom doorway. A pained expression on her face as she watches her father get ready. She looks as he makes sure his hair is perfect before spraying cologne all over his body. "Where are you going?" She finally decides to ask, though already knowing the answer. "I have a meeting" He lies, looking at her through the mirror, smiling. She just decides to smile back and nod, pretending to believe the lie. She knows exactly where he is going. She knows he is going to go meet that slut that works with him. She gives him one last pained look before slinking out your room and down the hall. She opens her brothers door to his room, detecting the distant smell of marijuana. She looks with wide eyes and she watches her supposedly 'innocent' brother take a hard drag, blowing it into the air, filling the room with smoke. "What are you doing?!" She asks alarmed. He looks at her with hooded eyes as he chuckles. "I need something to cope" He says, his voice weird. "Cope?" She asks, "Cope with what?" He lets out a loud laugh, taking another drag "Don't tell me you don't know that dad is cheating. And how mom is to clueless to realize" He says. "Some perfect family we are" Your daughter just shakes her head and books it from the room, going downstairs. Watching her father kiss you on the cheek. Saying how he'll be home tomorrow. She heaves a sigh at your cluelessness, mummering "Mom, please wake up"


No one ever listens, this wallpaper glistens

Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen.

Places, places, get in your places

Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.

Everyone thinks that we're perfect

Please don't let them look through the curtains.

"Fuck you Harry!" Your daughter hears you scream from the kitchen. She flinchs when she hears the sound of her fathers voice and glass breaking. "Your such a fucking asshole. If you don't like it here then feel free to fucking leave!" She hears you scream, stomping up the stairs and into your bedroom, slamming the bedroom door. She feels the tears slide down her face as she listens to you angrily throwing things around. It suddenly goes quiet and your bedroom door opening. She hears your soft feet walking towards her door, you knocking softly. "Sweetie?" You asks, opening the door and peering in. "Sweetheart what's wrong?!" You ask alarmed, rushing over to comfort your sobbing daughter. She doesn't say anything as she sobs heavily into the front of your shirt. Your rocking her back and fourth, trying to calm her down. "What happen?" You question softly when she calms down. "I-i heard you and daddy" She hiccups "Y-you were screaming, a-and I heard something break. Your n-not going to get a divorce are you?"  Your face contorts in guilt as you hug her tighter, kissing her head softly. "I'm so sorry sweetheart" You mummer "Me and your father may fight sometimes. But, we love each other, i'm not going anywhere okay baby girl" You reassure, wiping away her tears from her hazel eyes. She nods and gives you a watery smile. "Now" You say, beginning to stand up "Go get dressed, your grandparents are going to be here soon" She slowly nods, walking into her extended bathroom. You sigh and walk out her room and downstairs into the kitchen, giving a cold look to your husband. "Our daughter heard us" You say, leaning against the counter "She thought we were going to get divorced" He scoffs and spins on you "Are we?" He questions darkly. You cross your arms and glare at him "Would you like that?" You ask a hint of sadness hidden in your voice. Before he has a chance to answer your front door is swung open and your parents come in "Hello. Anybody here?" She calls loudly. Almost as like somebody flipped on a switch both you and Harry immediately had huge smiles on your face, rushing over to hug your parents, putting your fight on the back burner. "Places, places, get in your places. Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces."


Picture, picture, smile for the picture

Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?

Everyone thinks that we're perfect

Please don't let them look through the curtains.


I see things that nobody else sees.


I see things that nobody else sees)

"Sweetheart please, please just smile" You beg your daughter. You are getting your pictures taken and your daughter refused to cooperate. "Why should i?" She snaps, crossing her arms in defiance "This is such bullshit" She sneers. "Hey watch your language talking to your mother" Zayn warns. Your daughter just scoffs "Oh, so you can say that to mom but I can't" She states "Gosh were such a fake. This isn't real. Were not some big ass happy family. So lets just stop pretending!" She yells, storming away angrily. You and Zayn watch in guilt as you watch her storm away. "Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains."

Liam: ~Your daughters POV~

Hey girl, look at my mom, she's got it going on

Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry.

When you turn your back she pulls out a flask

And forgets his infidelity.

Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic

Go back to being plastic.

"Man I wish my mom was like you" Your daughters friend says dreamily, making you chuckle lightly "Your gorgeous, funny, you really have it all together" She sighs. You turn around grimacing at her description. "Oh, and your husband is so hot" She continues. Finally having enough, you spin back around towards them; a fake smile playing on your lips. "Okay girls, I thought you had a concert to go to" You say, beginning to shoo them from the house. Calling a goodbye and stay safe as they leave. You plop on the couch, switching on Orphan Black. Around 11 p.m. your husband comes stumbling in, tie askew and dress shirt looking tattered. "What happen to you?" You question, knowing damn well where he was "The wind is hard" He lies "I'm going to go take a shower" You just smile and nod, watching him stumble up the stairs and into your bedroom. You feel the tears start to burn your eyes. You saw the lipstick stains on his shirt and neck. You smelled the perfume on his body as he walked past you. You grab the flask you keep in your purse. You take a huge gulp, ignoring the burning. The tears finally falling you begin to think about your messed up marriage.


Places, places, get in your places

Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.

Everyone thinks that we're perfect

Please don't let them look through the curtains.


I see things that nobody else sees.


I see things that nobody else sees)

Both of you were cheating on each other. Simple as that. Although to your credit he was the one who betrayed his vows and slept with his slutty assistant. You found out about his infidelity and left, taking your children with you. After a shit load of counseling and him trying to regain your trust, you finally moved in after a year long separation. When you moved back in, everything was going great. You two were communicating, going on dates, and doing family nights regularly. Until you found out, he was cheating on you again. You thought 'well if he can cheat, so can I' honestly not a very smart decision, but you were in too deep. Louis knew about you and your co-worker. He knew you weren't going to a meeting, or a corporate dinner, he wasn't stupid; he knew you were sleeping with somebody, and he was completely fine with it. As long as you were the 'picture perfect family' on the outside, he could care less what you did in your private time.  "Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains."

~I don't really like this one, to be honest~
~Welps I hoped you enjoyed it~
~Commet/vote/follow/request preferences and or personal imagines~

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