Return The Favor

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   "So, what's going on between you and Black Sheep?" Crackle asked. He smirked as his teammate threw him a disgruntled look. The two of them were leaving Countess Cleo's class, the rest of their team chatting behind them.

   "What do you mean?" Tigress asked cautiously. She didn't like the look her Australian friend was giving her.

   "Well, you've been awfully chummy lately." Crackle mused. "I just figured something was going on. You two don't really like each other." 

   "Nothing's going on!" Tigress hissed. She wanted the claw the smug grin off of Crackle's face. "So you can stop smirking at me." 

   Crackle shrugged. "If you say so. No need to get so defensive over it." His warm brown eyes glimmered in amusement. "Unless there is something going on," he teased. 

   "If you don't shut up I will hit you," Tigress seethed. Crackle raised his hands defensively, a devilish grin on his face. The two of them saw their teammates glance over at them, their gazes curious. Amidst the curiosity, another emotion lingered in Black Sheep's eyes. It was gone as soon as it came however, and the crimson haired girl continued talking with her friends. 

   Tigress gave an annoyed growl. "Nothing's going on," she repeated, quieter this time.

    "Fine, I'll believe you," Crackle said. His expression softened. "But you should probably know that she's been pretty defensive of you lately." 

   The blonde thief gave her friend a sharp look. "What?"

   "Yeah, I was surprised too," Crackle chuckled. "She still complains about you, probably more than she ever has. But whenever anyone else starts to get annoyed with you, Black Sheep goes off on them." He smiled at Tigress's surprised look. "She doesn't yell at anyone, but if she had any more venom in her voice, she'd be worse than a viper." 

   Tigress couldn't stop the warm feeling in her chest. Black Sheep's recent concern for her was endearing, and endlessly infuriating. What was even more annoying was Crackle noticing it. "I didn't know that," she grumbled. 

   "Well, now you do." Crackle gave her an inquiring look. "I'm assuming you'd at least know the reason why." 

   Tigress remained silent for a moment, her brows furrowed in thought. Eventually she stopped, leaning against a nearby wall with a frustrated sigh. Crackle stopped beside her, earning another round of looks from their teammates. He motioned them onward with a grin. "Go on, well catch up." 

   Le Chevre shrugged, moving on without comment. El Topo and Mime Bomb waved goodbye before scurrying to catch up with the tall Frenchman. Black Sheep paused, eyeing her friends. Again, something sparked in her eyes, and her lips pulled into a small frown. However she quickly snapped out of it, following the rest of her team. Once the sound of footsteps had died away, Tigress began to talk.

   "We've been talking lately," the blonde woman explained. "She's been helping me through some personal stuff, she's been here for me." She crossed her arms, a scowl on her face. "And I don't know why she bothers with me."

   "Well, you two are kinda awful towards each other," Crackle said. 

   "You don't need to remind me," Tigress hissed, glaring at Crackle. The taller thief gave her a sympathetic look. A soft smile played across his face.

   "I know," He said gently, "I'm sorry." He leaned against the wall beside her. "You don't need me to tell you that." After a moment of silence, Crackle said, "Black Sheep is definitely one of the nicer people at V.I.L.E.. It doesn't surprise me that she'd want to help someone else, even if they don't get along." He glanced down at Tigress. The grouchy thief had a thoughtful expression on her face, her eyes brimming with emotion.

Unexpected Comfort (A Carmen X Tigress Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now